Thursday, August 14, 2008


Oh Dear! What could the matter be?

Three old ladies stuck in the lavetry!

They were there from Monday to Saturday.
Nobody knew they were there.
what? this is getting weird. hahahaha
The first old lady was old Mrs Humphrey
She got stuck and couldn't get her bum free
She cried 'I'll stay here becos I'm so comfy'
And nobody knew she was there
oh yeah. taht lady.
i think this blog is going all post modern on us.
all abstract and stuff
but at least it is friday!!! ADD FUEL!!!!
Fuel is being added
again, no clue

But I am confident that I'm adding
and its Friday

and they are delivering my new bed

and my new couch.

I really don't know which to sleep on first
a dilemma like no other
mjo is hoping that the cable guy is also going to show up today, but he may be dissappointed once again
DUDE!!! i would kill for that dilema. but that is a dilly of a pickle.
i may also kill for a pickle.
ADD FUEL is the accepted chant for teh Chinese at the olympics. they gvnmt had to approve the saying and that is what it translates out to. so, i am stealing it. making it mine. ADD FUEL!!!
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