Monday, September 22, 2008


And if you don't...

you know who you are...

Morning folks!
This feels like Monday.
Although I am excited about those Bills!!!!
3 and 0!
3 and O
3 and 0!
Yeah Trent Edwards!!!!
Bla Monday.
Blah to Monday here to. At least it was a good football weekend. From what I understand, the SB's house was full of winners :)
Except for my poor Wubbie :-(
poor Wub :( I thought Jason had said that all the boys and dad won. I guess that is going to make the OFFL loss even harder to take. (preliminary scores show the SBs winning)
I wouldn't mind throwing this one...
Ugg. Crushed..
sign the petition...

go bills!!!
Where is everyone today? I think the SB's new job is keeping her too busy and making her spend too much time away from the blog :( And where is JB today?
jb was not here!! sleeping the day away
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