Wednesday, September 24, 2008




yeah dude, elphay
Why Not???
seriously. why not?
the universe is shaped exactly like the earth. if you go straigh long enough youll end up where you were.
you aint machines and you aint land
and the plants and the animals they are land.
and the plants and the animals eat each other.
Can we get the waiver/ drop-add post going?

I really need to Drop T Brady and pick up another QB. (And not derrick Anderson. I'm hearing that he will be benched in favor of Brady Quinn)
you know, just pontificating. the universe is a math equation that will never end. X=mass Y=energy. they never change.
there is a conversation between potential and kinetic, btu that is not for here.
The second law of thermodynamics begs to differ
So really, with six weeks or so until the presidential election, the people who will decide the outcome are still undecided?

Does this concern anyone. After approx 18 months (if not more) of campaiging, there are still people out there who have not made up their minds and these are the people who will ultimatly choose the president?
that is our right as americans.
pure Horatio Algier.
I really need to brush up on my pig latin
first letter to the end, add ay to end.

simple really.

ogay lackbay harkssay foay oomday!!!!
would it be wrong to teach a class in piglatin?
that too would be pure Horatio Algeir.
and by that you mean....I have no idea??
I wish that it were pure horation hornblower instead
so is today the feast of Maximum Occupancy? Does teh bug have off?
i mean, it has been almost 3 weeks. they cant expect those kids to go that long.
Happy Tursday
Just not the same ring as Happy Friday
made even worse by the misspelling
turd-day? that would be worse!
that's right.

There's nothing happy about a Turd-day
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