Thursday, September 11, 2008


Giant Panda ate Manhatten

Everyone must now learn Mandarin

No day off:-(
An outrage of course.
Because of what happened with the Panda.
But thank you!
man! i knew this panda thing was going to happen.
now WE are the endangered species
does this mean that we all have to eat mandarin oranges too?
anything but madarin oranges floating in jello
dude, that rules.
did you see the NFL may make ocho cinco buy all his unsold jersys? glad they have thier priorities straight.
What happened to the panda??
Did someone put lipstick on it??
I'm still waiting to hear if I gave grandma food poisening...
Wha tdid happen to Grandma?

I saw something in a weekly e-mail, but don't know anything else other that she was in the ER.

Is she OK?
You can put lipstick on a giant panda, but its still going to rip your heart out and eat your city
um, is grandma ok? i heard nothing? i guess i dont get those emails. hahaha the fam seems to be afraid of an email that is mrbungle.
i'm taking a look at my roster this week and have a few concerns.

this is not supposed to happen in week 2.

I'm down a QB, only have one WR, am hesitant to start Jones-Drew vs the Bills and am not sure how M Lynch will do vs Jacksonville, the san Diego Defense is now without Merriman for the year....

When do we have the supplemental draft? Why is the waiver wire not open yet?

the Pressure!!!!
I can Give Aunt Marie your e-mail address if you want the weekly update.

Mamoo gets the update
good thing I'm going up against Slackass this week.
dude, there is a panda eating our major cities and a large hadron collider powering up in switserland. and some guy i know is attempting to make a nixon clone. we have bigger problems here.
bread and circuses
what is with the circuses thing?
i mean, i get the bread and the food riots. if anything, i look forward to them. but the circus, that is creepy.
No, no

Back in the good ole Roman times, when the Empire was in its long trail of decent, the Roman emperors said that all the had to do was to give the citizens bread and circuses and they would not care about the real issues of the day.

hence, when you suggest that there may be larger issues than fantasy football, I'm not concerned because I am being entertained and now must go eat
go to the coliseum! abandon your problems and have fun! don't worry about life!
oh, so like th emodern one would be McDonalds and X-box. i get ya.

Or football and beer

Or the internets and sloppy joes (as the case may be)
what's with Ocho-cinco having to buy up all of his old jerseys?

Does a player have to buy up his old jerseys when he is traded? or unretires and goes to the jets?

It seems the man is out to hold Chad Ocho-Cinco down.

First they dis his TD celebrations (which were pretty sweet) and now this?

Poor guy is being oppressed
dude is seriously being oppressed. but they did make some rookie buy his jersys when he changed his number, but there were like 200. chads are going to cost like 5 mil to buy.
Will he be able to change his name next year?

I don't get it. If he says he will not buy them back and he is allowed to change his name next year, then who will buy a Johnson Jersey this year?

They will be worthless and the NFL will lose money on not selling jerseys.

The NFL sure has its priorities backwards.

Like penalizing TO for going into a sprinters stance after catching a TD, but saying a hit on a QB below the knee is OK, even though the NFL has rules that say that hit is illegal? (I may still be a bit bitter about the whole Brady thing, but seriously, the NFL loses its MVP on a hit that is illegal and they say nothing about it? Players will continue to hit QBs low if something is not done about it. Carson Palmer is no where near the QB he was before taking that hit to the knee)
the dude legally changed his name. i dont see how they can do anything about that.
I'm so wishing it were closer to halloween and I had a bag of bite size candy bars in my desk
i have tootsie rolls on my desk. but you can only eat so many of them.
i mean, i ate a bunch, dont get me wrong. i just cant eat anymore.
I could go for some Giant Panda Paws ice cream
And you right on the tootsie rolls

only so many of those before bad things start to happen
at least they come out similar to going in. or is that a bad thing?
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