Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Happy Birthday Kiddo!!!!

I hope you have a great day!

happy birthday Beast!!! love you lots!!!
Yeah Catie!!! Have a great Day!!
they turned on the hadron collider. i am still here.
aww how cute :)
spanks guys!!
So... I just walked by the 7th grade social studies class and the students look like they want to poke their eyes out with pencils just to add some spice to the day. I think I would have to convince my parents to homeschool me for 7th grade just to avoid that class. :)
i dont remember what you learn about in 7th grade, but i am sutre it is boring.
How to build a supercollider.
Happy Birthday Caitie
Hope you enjoy the day
So does anyone know if Brady is going to play this week? Is his foot OK?
i heard he the whole thing was a fake out and he is ready to go!! i say play him, buddy.
That's what I thought.

Just another Belichek gimick.
that dude has so many tricks up his sleeve! play brady!!! DO IT!!!! or the collider will get you!
Do they know what makes up Dark Matter yet?

Do they know why the universe is still expanding in opposition to all of their theories?
I saw somewhere that they will have 9,000 scientists working on the results and that the results of the experiments will take up the space on compact discs stacked up 12 miles high
this just in

The Saints have lost their top receiving weapon, Marques Colston, to a torn ligament in his left thumb, has learned. Colston, in fact, quietly had surgery on Tuesday to reattach the ligament and will miss the next month to six weeks.
So when did Barry O decide that he had to go all negative on McCain/Palin? I though that he was some new kind of politician who was above that sort of thing?
they went all negative on him. you know, politics.
yeah, but, the republicans never claimed to be a new breed of politician

Is it too late for a Hillary write in campaign?
it is never too late!! unless the collider destroys us all.
then it is too late.
stupid black holes
Super collider sucks in Switzerland! rest of the world next! what will we do?!?!?
that's tommorows front page.
well, there would be no rest of the world. black holes are indescriminate. they take us all down!!! yr right. stupid black holes. hahahah
not to sound racist.
Happy Birthday to my "Baby"! Hope you have a great day, Cate.
I heard that Barry made a very sexist comment: "If you put lipstick on a pig, it is still a pig." What was he thinking?
Love, to all, Mom
oooof!!! no good Barry!@
i feel a little funny. must be teh hadron collider
if you put lipstick on a blackhole, is it still the most destructive thing in the universe?
it is even worse then. cause it is incognito
like that time we put lipstick on that AK and it went nuts!!
Good ole Barry... never at a loss when it comes to offending people.

Seems the only people that he can't offend, are those blinded by their own desire for him to be perfect and their savior.
so who is looking to trade for a QB with a bum knee?
I'll take a bag of kit kats
just one kit kat?
slice of cold pizza?

He has to be worth something
stupid number one pick overall
um, i may want that kit kat. was that he offeR?
no, you give me a kit kat for tom brady
It looks good to have an injured QB on you roster
Particularly a glam qb like Brady.

He makes the rest of your team look good
I'm taking a look at the news and it seems that Barry is just playing defense.

not good for him at this point.

and where is Joe Biden?
and what is going on with Vince Young?

The guy is cracking up.

meanweenbeans is going to be secondguessing that pick
Yeah to Nardin on your number 1 rank!!
does the SBs have a day off already?
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