Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Krispy Kreme...

Rest in peace.

I didn't even get to say goodbye.
that is rough.
for a couple of reasons. hahah
WHAT?! Closed?! How am I supposed to get patients now??
Oh, please. I'll eat enough cheese and pepperoni pizza to keep you in business for a long time.
Or not. Depending on how good you are.
i had my very first (and prolly last) krispy kreme with jenn and the boys on niagara falls blvd. yummy- melt in your mouth goodness!!
i still say they were not the best.
I will agree with JB - I will take a Paula's donut over KK anyday!!
but then again, i think i have sworn off doughnuts altogether.
i would still take ice cream over a doughnut.
jb, are you a commie? kk donuts are amazing.
I would like a chocolate glaze.
i just may be...
i did go to Frannies. they are commies.
yum...paulas donuts are really good
krisy Kreme was all about the hype.

Just a left over remnant of the crazy 90s

Obviously Buffalo's love affair with donuts is not dead.

I can honestly say that I passed 4 Dunkin Donuts, two Tim Horton's, Two Tops on the way to work.

Someone must be eating a whole whack of donuts in this town

not to mention Paula's and Famous Donuts. nothing like the independent donuts shop.
And do I get matt Schaub's points when they finally play the rescheduled game?

and is the supplemetnal draft this week? I think that it is.
and is BSOD interested in trading a QB?

I have Michael Turner, RB for Atlanta. He is number 2 in the league?
and who knew that Dallas Clark was not playing on Sunday?
Being disconnected has its ups and downs. I just found out that David Foster Wallace is dead. Its sad to see really good authors die before their time.
Did I win? Did I win?
The scores should be along shortly.

Stupid work getting in the way.

(It may be time to get the internets at home, so this can be done in a much more efficient manner)
Does someone have the schedule with them?

I'm not entirely sure who was playing whom this week??? and do not have a copy here.

This is becomming much more disturbing by the minute
The results from week 2 are in

(double check your scores, I will also recheck to be certian on the scores, but the outcomes should be the same)

Once again, I can't seem to defeat a certian JB? The Sleepers fall to Slackass by the score of 79 to 69. (Lack of a QB definately hurt. Can I get any type of damage award from FEMA for this? First T Brady out for the year, then the cancel a game due to hurricane Ike and just like that the Sleepers have no QB to play on Sunday, nor for that matter a TE as Dallas Clark was in Street Clothes and my backup TE also played for houston. Not a good day for the Sleepers. Slackass got enourmous production out of Jay Cutler, including the 2 point conversion toss. Let's hear it for going for the win and not the tie. Although, if they had called the play correctly, Cutler does not throw the TD pass or the 2pnt conv and I would still have lost, but only by two. I'm not sure if that would help)

Now, back to our show...

The Decepticons were no match for the BSOD, taking the game by the score of 74.5 to 53.5. (Where is Romo? oh, that's right, on the bench. With a lackluster QB performance from Brees and a lineup mishap with A Johnson starting ((again, that hurricane thing)) BSOD failed to mount a challange. Al Gore's illigetimate offspring Frank carried the load for the decepticons in their victory)

the Mean ween beans (fka The Raiders) had a solid performance all around and defeated the Super Beetles by the score of 94.5 to 70.5 (Maybe the MWBs will get lucky and Eli Manning can play against the Rams every week. And what has happened in the Natti? bad days for whosiwhatsits and Grahm. Looks like some roster moves may need to be made to compliment A Peterson and D McNabb)

And finally....

In a high scoring affair, FFS managed to out distance the Amazing apes by the score of 113 to 91. (With a roster heavily weighted with Dallas Cowboys, FFS rode to victory on the coattails of a strong showing by the Cowboys on MNF. 14 points from Kicker Folk, 10.5 from the TE, and 23 from m Barber III. not a bad evening of football from FFS prospective. and the Awesome Apes have some thinking to do on their roster as well and they took a hit from that lousy Bengals team -1 from the QB never helps the cause. Also, missing a kicker did not help either (again that hurricane thing))
So.... Supplemental draft this week?
Wallace is dead? i cant even enjoy my win now!
yes. Apparently it was a suicide?

I just read about it this morning
not sure what it is with artists and authors...
and if you do not want to enjoy your win, you can forfit after the fact and I'll be sure to enjoy it.

I'll even go out for ice cream to celebrate the win
ACK. I was pretty sure McNabb was going to score 65 points for me. That sucks.
This and Krispy Kreme fiasco!?!?! How will I survive!????
My poor Amazing Apes. They just can't catch a break. 2nd highest score yet...
i am cool with the win now.
the ice cream thing made me put it in perspective. now i have an excuse.
he was probably like Hunter Thompson. but interesting, i was looking at quotes of his and he said years ago that to get teh audience to truly enjoy what he wrote and take it seriously, he would have to die. like HST
the old fear of getting old and useless. or, it weas a hanging, maybe he pulled (haha) the old michael hutchens.
Go apes!!
FFS thought they were playing against JB....
BTW - The Cowboy thing is just a good old repeat of last year....
What FFS vs Slackass?????

I told you that I did not have my schedule here, but I thought that i had it correct?

I will have the schedule checked soon (as soon as a certian Mamoo gets home) and then verify that the results are correct.

wouldn't i feel like a horse's a$$ if I were to have put up the wrong matchups?
livy is so cute!!!!
i still would have beat you. remember that.
i think i beat everyone, right? KER-PANG!!!!
After consultation of the official documents, the matchups for week 2 were correct

Sleepers vs Slackass
Decepticons vs BSOD
Super Beetles vs Mean Bean Weens
Great Apes vs FFS
the matchups for Week 3 are as follows

Sleepers vs BSOD
Decepticons vs Mean Bean Weenies
Super Beetles vs Great Apes
Slackass vs FFS
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