Tuesday, October 07, 2008


Dead Guy Ale

Just what a fella needs to start the day off right.

No school yesterday...open house.
Need some dead guy ale to get started...
i see. more days off.
well, welcome back.
So - while working on the scores this week - I had to laugh out loud at the picture of Chris Cooley. Check it out on nfl.com :)
dont tell me what to do. hahaha
i may do that. i think i saw it on the TeeVee the other day and giggled.
I will also be off Friday and next Monday and PSAT's on next Wednesday.
The horrors.
But I am going the the happiest place in the world!
(if it's not Hershey Pennsylvania park I'm going to be really pissed.)
This is the second happiest place on earth.
At least I get the snow days :)
What's with having to work at work?
the short result list

The decepticons get another win, defeating the Super Beetles by the score of 78.5 to 73

(What happened to Adrian Peterson? 32 yards rushing is not going to cut it for the SBs. And it was all defense for the decepticons as da Bears light it up with 22 points)

How can this be? The Sleepers fall to the Great Apes by the score of 63 to 59.

(The Great Apes had two zeros, Larry Johnson and Acquon Boldin and still won?? Brandon Jacobs sitting on the bench certinly didn't help and stupid Reggie Bush taking back 2 punts for TDs kept the ball out of newly acquired Drew Breese's hand. not a good week for the sleepers. Stupid Calvin Johnson, Does anyone need a receiver?)

the Mean Ween Beans come up with the high score of the week, thumping Slackass by the score of 112.5 to 67

(double digit scores from most of their players helped MWB gain victory. And that pathetic Bills defensive performance resonates in the OFFL league as well, with the Bills getting a big goose egg.)

BSOD defeated FFS by the score of 84.5 to 62.5

(Even with Reggie Bush on the bench and Willie Parker in the lineup, who did not play, BSOD was able to claim victory. Strong performances from T Romo and newly acquired M Turner, were enough for BSOD against a poor performance from FFS. When the tight end has the second highest point total on the team, you know your in for a rough week.)
come to cole's for some dead guy ale- always on tap!

or some octoberfest beers, some cheddar and beer soup, some potato pancakes, weiner schnitzel, and sausage platters :)

Happy October!!
ill get you next time gadget.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! another win for the best team in the league!!!

and with some of my people not getting points!!!

And with 2 tight ends!!!

right. About that two tight end thing. Not that it is a benifit, but you should only be starting one tight end each week.

It actually hurts your team
If you were on a desert island, what three books would you want with you?
If your library could only have three reference books, which three would you choose?
I demand a recount!!! Stupid adrien
That Cole's menu sounds awesome!
cats cradle, oryx and crake and yertle the turtle
so... the whole, we have to pass this $700 billion bailout immediately thing, really is not working out the way they planned?

Looks like maybe they could have waited and come up with something better because obviously it has not had the psychological effect that they thought it would
so, the fed will buy short term debt and cut rates.
Books on the desert island:
Kristen Lavansdatter (in English),
Michener's "Centennial" (or some other book by Michener, John Jakes "North & South"
I am going for the long ones - in case I am on that island for a long time.

Reference books: The Bible, New English Dictionary, Encyclopedia Britannica
is the bible a reference book?
i heard that paul newman died from eating 51 hard boiled eggs. is this true?
Its that cholestoral. it will catch up with you eventually.

he should have known
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