Thursday, October 16, 2008


Gorfaine Schwartz

It's an agency.

Don't bother looking up what they do.
They lie all the time.
welcome back, SBs
hope you haf a fun trip
it is the agency i am repped through. they totally lie.
they said i could keep my clothes on.
how did the psats go?
The trip was AWESOME!!!!
I may not have passed the PSAT's as I forgot to fill in my name.
I'm glad to be home, but I wouldn't mind the warmth of Florida...and the no classes.
Glad to hear that your trip went well.

Did you bring back mouse ears?
No mouse ears...I figured no one would wear them. I did bring back some Yetis.
Be afraid.
Be very afraid. don't have to be that afraid.
I only brought miniature ones back.
But they are still Yetis.
Scary ones.
no mouse ears?

How do you go to Disney and not bring back mouse ears?
Did you get your picture taken with Goofy?
Probably on Sunday, when I come to your house.
that's funny.

I thought about qualifying that statment with, the disney character, but for some reason did not, opening myself up for that one.
i was going to make a comment about how there are lots of pics of her and her three goofies.
See, it was left way too openended
Do you ever get the feeling that every move you make on the line is being watched?
I just went to to look up a word and the word of the day is sycophant, which just happens to be one of my favorite words.
ignore that feeling.
I'm also perplexedby the notion of a "word of the day"

You can actually sign up to have it e-mailed to you?

I guess that it is a way to expand your vocabulary by 365 words a year? I wonder if they have a list, so as not to have any repeats?

I wish that you could limit it to a part of speech. maybe the adjective of the day
or the qualifying verb of the day.
there are almost one million words in the english language. there are just a little more than a hundrred thousand in french, so if some french guy says somethign to you, in theory, you can spit it back to his frog face ten other ways.
Wow. Kinda harsh.
For a goofy...
SB - glad you had fun!!!
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