Friday, October 17, 2008


Happy Birthday Kaffryn!

I hope you have a Magical Day!!!!

O.K. - JackFart - if you are going to be here you have to at least wish me a happy birthday!
Happy Birthday!!!!!!
hope yr day is filled with cake!!!
My day started with cookies - so that is good!!
stupid spammer
Cookies are a good alternative.
Happy Friday!!!
let them eat cake!

GO BSOD!!!!!!
yeah, i could go for some cookies.
keep on rocking in the free world
man, you mush be important to have neil young give you b-day wishes!
hey brenz, you're roster is incomplete.
oh yeah? yr face is incomplete!!
at least i dont have 15 tight ends
i need one more RB, right?
if that is what i need, i will put in Rickie. lets hope he can get some more tds.
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