Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Is there anything they can't do???

I doubt it.
You know you want one.
They even have their own web page.
Go to it.
I dare you.
Don't let the GRIPPLE scare you.

Heck no.
i am not afraid
hey mo! where you at?
it slices and dices. you could cut a tin can with it, or yr shoe. please cut yr shoe.
where is everyone?
everyones lost but me.
well, at least i have this meat lovers pizza i found in the trunk
that ought to keep me going
yo what up?

I'm trying to catch some zzzs
i am not sure what i shoudl study in school. stuff or things
meat lovers pizza in the trunk?
i mean, stuff has a thousand uses, but everyone needs things.
not sure if that is code for something, but if it is not....don't eat the pizza
man, too much thinking
I took up time and space
stupid edit conflict!!!! losing my post.
time and space would be a good one.
no, really, I could use a nap
i hate when people turn on space heaters. i am always like, you cant heat space @$$hole!!!
yr in a library. go to the philosophy section and cuddle up with some Decart. no onw will come over there
I told people that I was studying history and astronomy to make it sound better, but we all know better
You could go anywhere by the books in our library and not be disturbed
the way it is here, I could just close the door and no one would be the wiser
I think that someone is playing that trick on me where they change my coffee to decaf.
hey BSOD, have you overcome that crushing defeat yet?
the us private banking system is flawed and corrupt. make it public.
i hope that doesnt get mo in trouble.
would nationalizing the banking system make it more of less corrupt?

I'm thinking that the corruption rampant in the government would lead to a greter mess in the banking industry
even less regulation would be the fix.

that along with the government no longer bailing out banks and investment houses that make large gambles and fail. bailing them out leads to what some would call "a moral hazard" where the government, through their misguided actions come to the rescue of failed banks and therfore encourage greater risk taking in the future
Aren't you a Chatty Cathy.
I just like that saying.
and marzelcoff. I like that too.
the only regulations needed are to make the banking industry more transparent. The problem is that the companies making the rediculous transactions were not necessarily banks, but rather investment houses that were not regulated at all. Taking over banks would not alieviate this
It's made up and I don't think it means anything.
and dirivatives trading as not regulated at all and actually falls under the commodities board
Bernanke and Paulson are just making the problem worse and setting us up for even larger problems in the future.

This is not a new issue in banking. The same thing has happened in the past and with continued government medeling, will happen in the future

And don't even get me started on lowering the interest rates again. They should actually be raising them right now. They are fools, who by the way used to work for the investment houses
governement investing in banks????

DO you really want central control of banking?

or central control of anything for that matter?
and you would actually not be making it public, you be be nationalizing it and making the control central.

there is a term for this....Fascism
Not that the National Socialist Democratic Party would want graeter control over everybodys lives
i agree with increasing interest rates. that needs to be done (or needed to be done years ago) but i do think that a public banking system where anyone could borrow at a minimal interest rate would be beneficial. if it was also public, it would almost be required that there was transperancy.
Oh, sorry. Did you mention something about banks? I must have missed it
socialism only has a bad name because of that hitler dude. if done properly (wehich i understand cannot happen) it could work.
anyone can borrow for a minimal interest rate.

That is part of the problem that has led us here
i hate that when you pay an outragous gas bill, there is a board of investors that profits off yr NEED for heat.
and if you want to be a part owner of a bank, join a credit union
there is nothing that the government can do to make the situation better, short of just leaving it alone and letting the market work itself out
again, with the heat.

the prices are set by the government and suppliers are given a monopoly over certian areas which reduce competition. The govenment is then supossed to watch out for your best interest by regulating prices. Profits are controlled.

You can make descisions concerning your supply of heat by choosing your fuel, Gas, Oil, Propane, Wood, etc or you can choose to move to a warmer climate.
So who's going to win that Bills game on Sunday?
marzelcoff, I say
That seemed like quite a rant.
About marzelcoff I mean.
Your right.

I could have been totally mistaken about the lack of caffine in my coffee earlier.

Thay may have actually added extra caffine, not decaf
or caffine pills.
or that stok stuff you can get at wilson farms. it has as much caffine as 2 cups of coffe, and it's about 2 tablespoons.
and yes, i have come over the loss. last week, everyone on my team was eithe injured or on a bye. next week, i will dominate.

hey mom, i sent you a text, but just in case you don't see it, practice is here at canisius today.
I could have worked out a trade to help you out, something like Terrell Owens and matt Schaub for Andre Johnson and ryan grant
I'm always willing to make a trade

anyone interested in Terrell Owens?

You can't keep TO down all year
J.T. O'Sullivan's struggles forced interim coach Mike Singletary to name Hill the starter for their next game, Nov. 10 at Arizona.

The Decepticons may want to take action
hey slackass...

how about Terrell Owens for D'Angelo Williams?
looks like you could use an extra wideout this weekend
Yea me.

I was cleaning out my backpack and what did I find at the bottom?

A Pudding snackpack.

nothing like an unexpected treat of pudding to brighten the day
Yeah pudding....
Can't just let a pudding comment go....
And yeah......that was quite a rant.....
Something's got the sleepers all jacked up.
This really worked out for me. I just wanted to say all jacked up.
Have a bloggerific day.
wat the heck's a gripple?
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