Monday, November 03, 2008


All hail the Mighty Cheese!

Trolls to the rescue.

Not to be confused with Mighty Mouse.
or the Mighty Taco.
yeah, cause sleepers hate the mighty taco cheese.
come on bills!!!
They play tonight, right???
Cause I'm pretty sure I didn't see a game yesterday.
good thought.
like with tinkerbell, if we all wish really hard, that never really happenedd/
so, if you go to the onion today, the lead story is about how people in an attempt to make ends meet have to pick up 4th shifts in a different dimesion. good dorky stuff!
so, what is with me having to hold down the fort here. jokers.
i was just given about 15 boxes of nerds. they may be coming out of my nose soon.
cause my ears are already leaking nougut.
I think everyone took this Black Monday off
Or they are in a sugar coma
or sugar comma
after a question mark
or even an ampersand which really messes stuff up
ampersands are mouthy.
you can easily be replaced!!! with a word!!!
seriously. I knoe no one ever sees these.
Go Hillary!!!!
I was spectin' to see someone. Karma must have deciphered my motive of rubbin in that we're home bein' bums. Liv says hello.
It'll give me time to vote in ALL my districts...
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