Thursday, December 11, 2008


Happy Birthday Jason!

Don't eat all the cake!!!

Have a great day!!!!
It's Weiro.
Happy Birthday!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Love you, Tank!!!
may all yr food be cake!!!!
and may all your cake be chocolate!
and may all yr tanks be as festive as that one!!
cause that really is a festive tank.
and in searching tank photos, did you see the pink knitted tank kozie?
If you have a tank, it is a must have.
Does Jason read this blog? Happy Birthday, Jason. What do you want from Grandma Maggie for your BD? Any suggestions?
Sleepers - I agree with the whole Bush/Oil price conspiracy thing. Bush certainly isn't going to make his $$ on his speeches or writings, (like many other Ex-presidents, so he has to make his $$ somewhere - after all, the lovely Laura just bought a house in "the most expensive neighborhood in Dallas".
Happy Birfday!!! Hope you have a great day!!
He better not be reading it! I'll show him after school. He could use jeans or pants size 14 husky and short sleeve polo shirts for school.
Happy Birthday Jason!!!!!
Remember to get your lineups in
Thursday games rot.

Really, is Brandon Jacobs going to play???

It's not that I'm feeling pressure to win, but rather I'm feeling pressure not to lose to the Black Sharks of Doom.
and really, Marshawn Lynch against the Jets Defense???

Things are not looking bright and rosy for the Sleepers this week
there are a few teams that when yuo lose too, they really berate you and that is on e fo those team.s
and just to keep you all posted, i am still obsessing over the end times.
And will Drew Breese have a bad game in freezing Chicago? Do I start Matt Cassell?

Oh the pressure
end times or just the end of civilization?
you would think that you would not have moved to a city if you thought things were going to go under.

Cities will be the worst place to be.

You have to move out to Scio or Freedom or just go the whole nine and move to Western Montana
or perhaps you do not intend to be a survivor. That would be a tough go of it. how long do you think it would take for humanity to go from lasers and space travel to hunting and gathering?
Sleepers: Brenz will have a hard time as a "hunter and gatherer" because he loves to play rabbits and little critters ( do you picture Lenny in "Of Mice and Men"?). I have my 44 acres to escape to, but all the big stuff is gone - so I will have to live on squirrel and rabbit - and frogs legs are good. Mom
SB, Clothes? Do 12 year olds REALLY want clothes? Grandma
ouch!! Your own mother called you lenny.
oh, sleepers. yuo are so doomed, it isn't even funny. i will certinly destroy you.


(ps- mom, i've got an ap book)

GO BSOD!!!!!!!!!!
ok, first off, that lenny comment was harsh!
and i am more talking about hte end of civilization. and i know the city is a bad place, but i would like to see it and hope i escape in time.
and i would have no problem killing a rabbit. i am facinated by them, but i know they are here for food. not just to be cute.
bug, you mentioned wanting me to make you a math shirt. along teh lines of "Math? No Problem!" what do you want it to say? i have idle hands and am going to start mass producing shirts soon.
YES! Is there anyway you could have it for me this weekend? Or maybe even Monday or Tuesday? That would be awesome! (It's a gift) Thanks dude!
J-dog would really like...

lava lamps and disco stuff (disco ball) electric thing ball
that is what you want it to say, though? but yeah, i can have it by then,.
That would be it bro! Plus any nifty math symbols you could put on it would be awesome as well.
Can you do it on a colored t-shirt or do you only have white? If colored, dark green would be great.
and any references to geeks would seem appropriate too
i will see what i can do. i have a stock pi symbal i could throw on it. hahaha. but yeah, i will whip somehting up.
I love the pi!!!
who doesn't love pie?
Happy Birthday Jason!!!!!
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