Thursday, December 04, 2008


Shelfish Shelfish

But I'm sure it's in
a good way.

like a shrimp?
those oranges look upset.
I am glad those aren't my orange quadruplets.
angry oranges?

That's pretty funny.

Also, a bit unsettleing that someone would take the time to create said oranges.
it may have been halloween practice.
i kind of want to try this now, though.
maybe with a lime or somethign
don't squirt juice in your eyes.
it'll hurt.
but it is flamible
just if you squeeze the rind
I have two clemitines right here, but do not feel compelled to make faces with them???
Perhaps I should, then I would have someone to takl to
but that might mean that I am actually crazy to your angry orranges
what do you mean THAT might make you crazy?
nothing else was tipping you off?
ALL of his behaviors tip me off. :)
What are you saying??

That I'm already crazy?
If that is the case....

hello my darling clemintine.
Oh my darling, oh my darling, oh my darrrling Clementine!
i am just saying that if you take a look at any and everyone you have ever met, they are all crazy. what would make us (you) the exception?
so long as teh clemintine does not respond, you should be ok to stay out on the streets and you may even lead a half way normal life.
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