Wednesday, December 03, 2008


Two in a row under twenty is not good people.

Not good.

well - lets get to work then
why do polish last names end in "ski"
because "tobaggan" would be too long.
Did you know that the word "ski" comes from the Norwegian word "shi" which means "long piece of wood"?
O.K. folks - on with the gift lists please!!!
um, that was weird.
i wonder if that joke was from someone who lives near a ski resort.
gift list, eh?
does anyone else have a weird vibe today?
that feeling something is up?
much better people, much better.
I had that vibe leaving the house today, but then I got a speeding ticket, so I figured that was it.

Perhaps not?
So I'm back to having the vibe.

and yeah, I'm not feeloing the ski joke.
more Thursday night games

don't forget to put your lineups in
Sorry dude. That sucks. Fight the power.
GO BSOD!!!!!
Did you really get a speeding ticket on Route 240? I drove 240 from 20A to Rt 39 and I can't imagine how you could speed along all those "S" curves.

Christmas list: one of those "Winter Salvation Kits" from Value ($19.99) or from anywhere. Mom
Well if you must know, yes.

There are a few sections where it is straight and I had just passed a car doing around 30 and had not come back down to the correct speed.

besides, I think that 45mph zones strictly exist to generate income. I mean come on really? 45mph?
that is rough. the ticket i mean.
i had a rueben for lunch and the feeling is not as bad, but still there.
i also ate some bad mexican last night. that may be the feeling.
bad mexican?
how do you mess up Mexican food?

except with the processed cheese from mighty Taco or from going to Taco Bell (or Taco Bull) at all
So congress sends the auto makers away a couple of weeks ago when they were asking for 25 billion, then they come back with their plans and ask for $34 billion?

Were they just throwing that first number out there or do they figure that it wont make a bit of difference, so just ask for more?
So I was thrown on the crossword clue - 8 letter word for martini ingredient?

let's see... gin, three letters. olive, five letters?

what else could they possibly be putting into their martinis?
yes, perhaps broccoli.

A broccoli martini would certinly be delicious (hold the borccoli please)
you got me on that one. gin and olive.
i always hate when bartenders ask questions after you order one. rocks? vodka? those aint martinis.
p.s. that is a very disapproving smiley face.
I would say that the face looks rather scared.
like maybe he just saw a ghost
or he just heard that Rosie O'Donnell was going to have her own TV show
Maybe that was the bad vibe.....
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