Tuesday, December 16, 2008


What's that blue thing doing here?

What's that blue thing doing here?

4 days!!!!
I am really wondering about that blue thing.
Since the commissioner has decided that he would only like to work 3 more days this year - he is not at work to put up his catchy narratives for the playoff games. So I am going to make an attempt.
that is a weird blue thing
i would have stayed home too had i known that blue thing was going to be ehre.
So.. both the playoff games for the SuperBowl were very close.

In an effort to keep at least one non-school street resident in the hunt, the Sleepers squeaked by the Black Sharks in a score of 107.5 to 104.5.

A fine showing by D.McNabb last night and low single digit numbers by four of FFS' players provide the SuperBeetles with a slot in the BIG game against the Sleepers.

The Decepticons happily have one of their better showings in the past couple of weeks to beat the Amazing Apes by a score of 82 to 76.5. Yeah! I don't have to play in the ToiletBowl!!

In the only game whose point spread was greater than 3, Slackass was able to show that not putting in a lineup for 10 weeks straight had its benefits. Now there is one less week that he has to not put in a lineup. Mean Wean Beans head to the ToiletBowl after losing 69.5 to 48.5.

And that was my attempt :)
Just realized I didn't put the SuperBeetles/FFS score.

SB - 72
FFS - 70.5
oh - come on people. I put my best effort forth and not one comment? Where is everyone! Where are the SuperBeetles to trash talk the Sleepers?
sorry, i was faking like i was working.
i personally enjoy the digs at me.
I'm speechless!!!!

How could i lose? i was the only possible winner.

dang. championless for another year.

next year, here i come....
Oh, McNabb, How I love you so.
Thank goodness for week whatever whatever benching
rest assured that brenz will rise again!!
next year, i am taking it!!
old school style.
meaning i will steal yr lunch money and give you a wedgie.
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