Wednesday, January 07, 2009



Giraffes! Giraffes! Giraffes! Giraffes!

We sleep 2 hours but we don't fear the reaper
We eat from trees and play mine-sweeper!

We weigh 3 tons and come from outer space
Sent here to destroy the whole human race!

Giraffes! Giraffes! Giraffes! Giraffes!

Vampire blood runs through our veins
Our forked tongues wag driving you insane
You'll be herded into camps when the time is right,
where we'll eat your brains for our delight!

Giraffes! Giraffes! Giraffes! Giraffes!

There's no escape we'll send you straight to @#$%^* hell!

Drinking gasoline and spitting pure fire,
we take to the skies on the leathery wings of a bat!

How can you say you've seen everything funny on the internet when I daily come up with some of the most hilarious stuff imagineable!!!????!!!!
Still the man holing me down, but also some sweet benefits of a snow day!!!!
The Sleeper's OFFL party will be at the Colden Co. Orrange res. at 5pm on Sunday evening on January 18th.

Things to bring...

Super Beetles -- NOTHING!!! WOOT WOOT!

Wean Beans -- deep fried turkey

FFS -- bean, cuke, etc. salad

Decepticons -- beverages

Slack@$$ -- salsa fresca/nacho chips/nacho fixings

Amazing Apes -- potatoes for fries!

BSD -- dessert

If I missed anything Sleepers, just post it and we can get people to pick it up.

Penguins...since you and Apes really didn't even want to join, you can just bring your lovely self...or if you want...some of that awesome spinich dip or fandibly tastic stuffed peppers.

I hope everyone can make it!!!!


ANd of course SlackA$$ better not Slack off this time...;-)'s the flick?
it is going well.
also, i filmed a different one yesterday. it is a 20 min short. i was a groom in a horrible wedding.
and my seeing all the internet was due to there be nothing outside of this blog.

Yes! Giraffes!
And thank you!
What was the movie short? Will we be able to see it soon?
hey hey folks!
the short should be ready in like 3 weeks, but from teh one scenen i was in, it seems pretty vulgar.
not that that is going to stop me from showing it to you.
Ha ha!!!! Back doors!!! I love them!
No sickos...I'm not referring to Brenz movie.
I'm deeply disturbed
i was like, who told?!
but i said, it is about a photographer that hates weddings.
I think that was that guy on survivor
so, i guess some dude named Chris was just here and recognized me as Toms brother. went to high school. i should be getting a last name soon.
don't admit to anything

$5 says I know who it is
well I owe you $5

He goes to Holy Spirit Church sometimes.
i thought you would hav ebeen right on.
I'm going to read that as you owe me $5.
Woot Woot!!!
so really? the President Elect gave another speech today to repeat what he has been saying all week? Can't he just take one day off and not have to pose with that faraway thinking look on his face?
and what happened to the message of hope?

now it is a message of doom and gloom and dire consequenses if we all don't follow him blindly?

Who is this guy?
and another $5 says that he ignores the Middle East crisis, by stating that he has to be focused on the economy and places all of the responsibility on his new Secretary of State, who then fails to broker a lasting ceasefire and is then disgraced and the press will refuse to lay any of the blame at his feet, because if he were allowed to focus on foreign affairs, surely he would have been able to bring peace to the middle east.

oh wait, is there a new Office on tonight?
and really? Trillion dollar deficits for years to come?????

Can someone tell this joker that Keynes is not the only economist to exist?

Ten years from now, we will have been better off doing nothing than expanding the national debt at this type of rate.

Another stimulis is crazy talk and not one Senetor will have the guts to stand up to it and say it, they will just ask what they will get from it.

and all of this is before he starts to make good on all of his campaign promises.
Whay don't they just cut the corporate tax rate? perhaps, that would make US companies more competitive, leading to more hiring, hence higher amounts of money collected in taxes?

Oh, that's right. Because of all of the populist blather about needing tax cuts for the middle class and corporations are screwing the little guy.

and while they are at it, can the convince the president elect to state unequivically that he will not push to raise the capital gains tax? perhaps then, the people who have taken great amounts of $$$ out of the stock market will put it back in, giving a boost to the general level of trust in the economy, not to mention that it will make capital for business cheaper and in turn expand business in the US?

enough of the silly stimulus talk. Let's get back to sound economic priciples.
how far have we come from the balanced budgets of the Clinton era and the concept of pay as you go?

we have seen the federal budget go from 2 trillion to 3 trillion under Pres Bush and are looking to add an additional trillion this year?

the federal budget will have more than doubled in less then 5 years?

time to move to Wyoming. This is going to hurt when it comes due.
what do you mean cut corporate tax? 94% of companies with 150 or more employees pay under 5%. the amount that pay zero in taxes is like 80 -some. companies dont leave cause of taxes, they leave cause unions make it so hard to make money.
which really doesnt matter anyway. send jobs to some contry with out an economy, let them create an economy, begin to industrialize, and it will become to expensive to do business there. US companies just go from third world contry to the next building and leaveing. we are proof here in the rust belt. they used it for what it was good for, the employees wanted a better living standard and the companies moved.
bigger governmetn. let them take care of it. keep it here. power n the hands of the workers. let them get a piece of the coruption for a while.
but what is happening now is a logical conclusion of a capitalist, consumer based nation. we are told to buy and we do.
take a look around you and think of what you own that you really need. a serious look and you begin to notice that that what you have ends up controling you. i will not blame the individual for that, that is just what we are told. buy that. you need it. like hell i do! luxary? really? 500 channels? ipods? suvs? cell phones? is what you have to say that important? really?
read a book. although books are like 25 buncks these days. but still. this whole economy crap just drives me nuts. economy is just people. if our economy is failing, it just means that we as a people are failing. and so be it.
we are the variant. we are the problem. we are the virus.
we designed (or at least, allowed to be designed for us) a system that NEEDS us to purchase crap. for a price we set by paying that.
we listen to the media which just creates panic and fuels a fire that we started and when we look to someone for answers, when you hear the truth, we freak out more. the people that can stop or start economies are the same poeple that own and therefore control meida outlets. they need a resession? they create one. we are in teh second year of a ressession if you look at the definition of the GDP growth. but why only now do we hear that word on the news? how can gas be $4 five months ago? now saudia arabia is getting worried and will lessen supply as to increase the cost at the pump. it is all just a system of control.
everytime you buy a superfluos good, you render more control to a nameless, faceless, money grubbing corporation. i am not saying i dont, but i resent that i am unable to question it or do anything about it. i need my mountian dew. they know it (who is they? probably the Rand corporation)
the matrix is real. it is just not based on a computer like the movie. it is just plain and simple economy. it controls where yr money goes, which controls where yr thoughts go.
when god gives you lemons, find a new god.

if we are the economy, how are we controlled by business? wouldn't we be in controll?
anyway, good try, but corporations do pay taxes and they pay additional taxes on each worker that they employ in payroll taxes.

It is not cheap to conduct business in the US.

as for continuing to move your centers of production, you are correct, it will move to where it is cheap, but this is not really a detriment to the US economy as a whole. certian secters, yes, but overall, no.

and bigger governemnt will not put the power in the hands of the workers, ie the Soviet Union, China under Mao, cuba, etc. There are countless examples of socialist systems failing. including Great Britian in the 70s and the US during the Great Depression. That is not an answer.

And why shouldn't people decide what to buy, better than bread lines.

and we do have the ability to say no to consumerism, but we choose not to collectivly, but what is the alternative?

i'm not certian (ok I actually am) that Americans are willing to go back to the conditions of 1850. Sure, we would be existing on a subsitance level and not consuming, but is that the goal?

Should there not be a better answer?
Pie in the sky socialism will not get us to where we need to be.
i was more saying we are tricked or deceived into thinking taht it is beyond us to control, but we are the variable in economics.
how much of our current situation (and past ones, like the great depression) is controlled by media hype. and th rockafellers.
how did that dude get his money out of the market the week before the crash, then his buddy who took his money out as well, then publishes a report saying that banks are going insolvent. it was a scam.
pie in the sky socialism may not work, but we have also proved head in the sand capitalism does not either.
capitalism actually works quite well.

If you look at the current problems, ie the housing crisis, it was set up due to the government tacitly backing FNMA and FHLMC. If both of those were actually private businesses, there would have been no way that they would have let themselves be exposed to such large portfolios of garbage loans.

Also, if there was not a capital gains tax, we would not have seen a rush to take $$$ out of stocks now in anticipation of even greater capital gains taxes in the very near future.

Our system is not very capitalistic. Every industry is heavily regulated and therin lies part of the problem. Special interests can then manipulate lawmakers to regulate in their favor, therefore causing bad situations for the non special interests. It is the government interference that causes most of the problems, not the other way around.
a good case in point is the auto industry. Wil the government bailout of the so called US auto manufacturers, it just delays the inevitable problems that the companies need to face. They need to make more efficient, reliable cars. The "market" has spoken, they like the reliability of Honda and toyota. Giving the US auto manufacturers $$$ to allow them to further reduce prices and extend low financing offers does nothing to make the companies more efficient. Does it offer a socialized auto industry and keep people employed? You Betya. Does it Make GM and Chrysler more competitive? No, actually less. As Honda and Toyota roll out new more efficient vehicles, like the new honda fuel cell vehicle and the CNG civics, GM and Ford and Chrysler (Dodge) push their full size truks on the market.
as for getting out of the market, many forcasters were saying that housing was a bubble, even former Fed chairman Greenspan. What kept people in the stock market and buying CDOs was greed. And when they failed, they should have been left to fail, not bailed out to the tune of $200 billion and counting for AIG.

Again, it is government interference that causes the problems in the first place and then they scramble to fix their mistakes. Let the market take care of itself in complete unbridled capitalism and things would be much better and more efficient for everyone involved.
so as I was driving into work today, I saw the best slogan on the back of a truck.....

"We're #1 in the #2 business"
for those of you looking for humor on the internets


Some of these are pretty funny
failblog is a daily hangout for me already. hahaha. the graf jam is a good one too. there is also teh look alikes, some good star wars ones.
happy monday alL!!
Happy Monday right back to JB!!! Hope you found some B-Day cake!!!
Happy Tuesday folks - looking forward to some deep fried turkey.
hello to all.

Good luck staying warm the next few days and remember to wear your hats.
Hey - what's going on here????
it is so cold. i have like 2 appointments today that i have to rock the bus to. i may die. hahha
what's going on? what's going on? I'll tell you what's going on. The SBs got blocked at school and then shut down at home. I don't think she can see what is going on. What will we do without our leader????
I have yet to find a proxy that works for me and I never get a chance at home to post a page so maybe I'll try a weekly thing...we'll get this fixed!!! We will!!! we will!!!
Go Jack Bauer!!!!
Tony is alive!!!
WOW!!! This is crazy!!! Better check with the girls....
Dang it!!!! No back door today. It seems I can only post on this page today.
Come on AGENT ORRANGE!!!! (Any of them) Someone has to have a proxy that can help me!!
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