Sunday, January 25, 2009


Oh Vanessa...blah...blah...blah...

Uncle Chester is proud of you.

Just wanted to get in on this. Happy Monday!!
Happy Birthday Livvy!! Thank you for a great party yesterday :)
hey! sorry i missed the party. we ened up having to fire one of the leads and spent from 9 until 9 filming.
worst part is, it was at a bar.
i have spent so much of my life not going to bars and now i have to be there before 10am to film. oh the irony.
hope the party was fun and Livvy had a great b-day!!!
i dont like uncle chester
he is always trying that pull a quarter out of yr ear trick.
im like, dude, im 27.
i get that it was just in yr hand.
but i do like his thumb trick
you know, where it looks like his thyumb seperates.
that is a good one.
i drank a half gallon of chocolate milk today
got an ak-47 for a best friend
business the american way
stolen cookies, the sweetest taboo
possibly the sweetest cookies, as well
we need more outsiders to comment on our blog.
i think our blog master should start some fights with other blogs.
Happy Birthday Olivia!!! (It took me awhile to find the back door for this one...)
I'm going to start a fight with AFL blog.
Those AFL's are just stupid.
Is that a chicken hawk that I hear?
Happy Birthday Spike!
(He's two today! :-)
yeah, i guess that was pretty chieckenwahk of me. now to hunt them out.
Slime mold is awesome.
hi. i'm here, saying hi.
slime mold is pretty cool hahaha
ya gotta know dirt to love dirt. dududud
hey, thanks for putting my movie web page up as a link!!!
No problem Dude!
(kind of like "the Dude")
So maybe with the millions of hits my blog gets per day, it will generate some interest in the film.

Millions = 2
in regards to millions being equal to 2, i have taken to telling people when asked the time, that it is a billion 45, or quarter to 2 billion o'clock. i get a kick out of it.
Happy Birthday Spike!!!!!
And today we have school.
Where is the "thinking of the children"?!?!?
i have i work too. punx.
the boss was going to albany, he had to turn around.
I apologize in advance to anyone who may have been driving 5 miles an hour this morning.....

but really....

use caution, but if you have absolutly no confidence in your ability to operate a vehicle in the snow...Stay Home!!!

Sorry, but there are some people who should not be allowed to drive in the snow. And if you buy the big truck or SUV and use the "oh, I need it in the snow" argument to justify, then learn how to drive it in the snow.

Ok, I feel much better now.
hahahahaha. nice.
I also understand the need for cautious driving in weather like today, but 5 miles an hour???? Yikes.
I also understand the need for cautious driving in weather like today, but 5 miles an hour???? Yikes.
Ha! I can't even get rid of double posts.
Stupid man holding me down.
stupid the man.
How nice. I didn't realize that you got Livvy for Spike's first birthday present. What are you going to give hime this year?
I hope all get home safely today. Everyone I talked to says that it is taking a lot longer to drive today - I am sure it's because of all the "5 MPH drivers". I got behind one of them this AM myself, and I only was going to church. All of you--be safe. Love you. Mom
Now we need to complete the cycle and Livy should get a puppy for this birthday.
It's only fair!
NC School Street plowers are AWESOME!
(BUt they need to take care of my driveway too! ;-)
Snow blowing our driveway is really a losing battle when it's windy out.
Seriously Brenz, you should be watching this.
It's too bad you watch AI during the time slot.
so I'm not sure if anyone else really cares, but right after heavy metal bands singing ballads (think Guns and Roses November Rain) Punk bands doing acoustic numbers are the worst.

nothing like taking a song that you sing with raw energy and distorted guitars and try to turn it into a folk song????
This was not the puppy birthday.....
Charles Witmore?????Sweet.
Jb - How much longer on the filming of your masterpiece??
Happy Friday!!!
i was having that convo about punk bands doing ballads the other day. so weak.
and i think i have like 2 more weeks. we have reshoots and smaller scenes left.
but it has been super fun!!
Kids, Tom asked "Who was hosting the Superbowl Pre-Party?" last week. Cait can't come (big day at Coles')and I am sure Brenz can't either (star that he is), but I don't know who was coming after church. Would that be 2 parties for me, or do you want to make it in the afternoon here, or brunch at noon, or chili or what? Love you. Mom
so, should i be worried that when i band that wants me to join is having a "meet and greet" with me at a strip club? how much business can really be accomplished there?
oh, sorry mom. didnt mean for you to see that. hahahaha
Maybe Ralph will sell the team now that he is in the Hall of Fame.

Too bad for Andre. He definiately was great, but it seems that receivers do not get a whole lot of props.
good game.
true..but the cards didnt win :(
It was so good! Except I didn't win on my squares :-(
so close!!!1
had that last TD not happened, i would have won big.
What a COLLOSAL waste of time!!
staff development - not 18th century French Poetry
hey, if you dont develop personally, what else is there?
unless, like me, you believe it is all some crazy new-age bull that doesnt matter. then it is fine to resent having to do it. or, again, like me, you feel that it is really hard to be better than you already are.
I didn't even get to see that movie again and again and again because of peasant vision.
And apparently I am on a WAITING list for the stupid coupon!!!!!!!!
I would like some!
Stupid technology
I did get to watch Soup yesterday on channel 11.
I no longer have a "guide" button either, so I have to use the (gasp) paper.
how arcane
not soup
And this one goes to 49.
not just 11
I'm not sure I like the Canadian commercials.
coo roo coo coo coo roo coo coo
take off eh?
like... oh my God!
Wrong thingy
what movie?
and i still love that rush song Take off. coo roo coo coo coo roo coo coo
Did you get rid of the Sattelite TV?
or is there just a disruption in the service?
I was startled by the "what movie?" question. Really - can that question actually be asked.
What Movie??? Groundhog Day!!

Where's everybody going?

Gobbler's Knob, of course!
are the langford crew becomming anti-technology luddites?

Getting rid of the internets, then the sat tv?

Next, you'll be disconnecting the electricity? shutting down the indoor plumbing?
oh, yeah. that movie. sweet.
and i am all for no technology. (he types on the blog)_
the irony is delicious
Who knew? If you live in the woods long enough, you grow back into them - next, the Langfordites will not need electricity or water. They will melt snow (because wo electricity, the pump won't work). They already heat with wood and grow their own (Brendan, that means veggies). If they didn't have to pay the stupid taxes, they would be all set. Love you all. Mom
so, someone on my facebook told me to say hi to a nardin math teacher. Marrisa cathbert or something? make any sense?
i will check the name later.
trying to get off the grid...
That kink of sounds like Catbert.
Is she a current student? The last name doesn't sound familiar.
New Lost Tonight!
i think she would be closer to my age then a current student. she is friends with someone i am filming with, i think. the one actor had a picture of me on her page and she commented on it asking if you were my sister.
marie hassleback. and i think i was in a play with her in high school.
Yes! How funny! Her one sister still attends Nardin. Great family!
How do you get Marissa Cathbert from Marie Hasselbeck...?
i am bad with names. i just remembered teh shaope of her name. i kind of just pieced it together. hahahaha
but as long as you know who i am talking about. hahaha
One day I will find my way to a computer with OFFL access.
One day.
its ok. we still rock this.
So as you might have guessed, I'm not the biggest fan of the new president, but really, this guy was all about his message of hope during the campaign and now all he is is doom and gloom and if I can't spend 1 trillion of your money it will be catastrophic and this is the worst this country has seen, etc...

What ever happened to the only thing you have to fear is fear itself. I guess that it is better to make everyone paranoid.

Tell the guy to lighten up a bit.
and the office of Faith Based initives?

Didn't both Geroge Bushes propose similar offices and get hammered for it?
i am pretty sure the bushes did get hounded for it. but i look at it more ofa reflection of where our country is going. religion in this country is going nuts. everyone is a something crazy - religion-wise.
faith based initiative is just another word for pander to a specific group. were we all lord of the ring fans, there would be some hobbit based ring hunting thing. pander pander, propaganda, pander. thats all i hear when he speaks.
and about the fear, if we are not afraid, something is wrong. we should be afraid. we are headed towards what could be one of the craziest times in human history. food riots, water wars and i have been reading a bunch about zombies. we may have to deal with the very real threat of zombies sooner than we want to .
umm... zombies???

the undead?????

This may be cause for alarm
yeah, we do! they cannot be reasoned with.
and i am not talking about americans that just watch too much of the TeeVee. i mean for real zombies.
and if your right (along with all of the people stockpiling food and guns in Vermont and Wyoming) then a one trillion dollar stimulus is useless either way.

It is just cosmetic surgery on a cancerous growth.

If that is the case, then I say that the pres let the economy crumble and tell people to start living a simpler life. the economy has been driven by consumer spending (70% of GDP), maybe now is the time to tell people that that type of spending is unsustainable and it should never come back.

Or maybe Adolux huxley was right, just dope up the population, genetically engineer them for the jobs that they must do and only make a limited supply of humans, then we will all feel good about ourselves and our situations and can be easily controlled.
where are these zombies comming from?
I think that I need to know more about this
and bsod may want to drop a few of the AP courses and pick up a few animal husbandry courses instead
and if this is for real, I may want to focus on something other than completing my self evaluation this afternoon.

I was looking for an excuse and now it looks like I may have one.

Do you have your self eval and PPR done?

Uh, no. But I have something of greater value, the knowledge of how to spot a zombie.
and if this is for real, I may want to focus on something other than completing my self evaluation this afternoon.

I was looking for an excuse and now it looks like I may have one.

Do you have your self eval and PPR done?

Uh, no. But I have something of greater value, the knowledge of how to spot a zombie.
I don't really care for political blogs, but I do love a good zombie blog.
A zombie political blog?
Pure genius
genus of monkeys!
um, i have been yelling for a reduction in spending for years. also, just a weeding out of stupid people, btu jokers look at me funny when i sayu that. so, maybe zombies are the solution to all these problems. i am sure a mass zombie attack would either pull us oput of a recession or completly destroy our economy. both of which would be better than where we are now. and it would give us all something to rally against. i know of very few zombie sympathyzers.
just kidding. not there yet.

but soon......
Happy Friday!!!
(Happy Brain Day to you zombies out there)
zombie fridays. sweet. like monday.
Happy Friday
so, I'm a bit confused

Our pres is basically telling everyone that this stimulus needs to be passed immediately or else.

He needs it to create 3,000,000 jobs.

So my math skills are not the best, but 900,000,000,000 for 3,000,000 jobs would be roughly 300,000 per job?

The govt should just choose 3,000,000 random unemployed (or employed for that matter) and just give them $300,000.
that is some wacky math. i could use one of those jobby-jobs. i would be happy with it.
I want a jobby-job!
I want a jobby-job!
I want a jobby-job!
I want a jobby-job!
Make sure you sing that in a singy tune.
It also works with

I like a hamburger!
I like a hamburger!
I like a hamburger!
I like a hamburger!

zombies will eat my brain
zombies will eat my brain
zombies will eat my brain
zombies will eat my brain
You would think that after all these days with no new blog page, that I would have a plethora (which by the way, I thought to be spelled pluthera...who knew???...I'll tell you who knew...spunky red underline...that's who)
Lost my train of thought
choo choo!
Oh yes! Of ideas. But no! I don't work that way folks. Alright...sometimes I do. But apparently this is not a jobby-job I can get paid $300,000 for.
Mom says: If the "Stimulus" is going to cost every man, woman, child, etc about $30,000, why not give the $$ directly to us and let us get the economy going? Then you won't have to create offices to monitor what is happening with the $$. What boggles my mind is that the GOP had no problem throwing $750 trillion at the banks and loan companies, without regulations of any kind, who have produced nothing but scandals, have the nerve to be obsessed with regulations on the latest "throw away" of my $$. Where were they with the first "throw away?"
I say the gov't should give all that money to handful of cantakerous old ladies who should bring back speak-easies. I'd certainly patronize a sure fire economy starter like that!
good call.
when people ask me where my subversion adn dissention come from, i make them read my moms posts on the blog.
Oddly, it was not the republicans that gave the $$ to the banks.

The republicans hav not been in control of congress for quite some time.

Also, that $$ was targetted to a problem in the economy (specifically lending) and it was meant to take some bad assets off of the books so the banks would feel free to lend $$ again, which is what is needed. It makes much more economic sense then throwing $$ away which is what the recovery act would do.

Now the real issue with the TARP funds is that after the $$ was given to the banks, it was not lent out. The banks basically are sitting on the $$. The issue is that the $$ was given with no oversight. (or the issue is that the $$ was given in the first place)

And our great reconciler is not acting very nonpartisan at the moment. So much for campaign pledges
and it is not just Republicans in the Senate that are holding up the bill. There is a majority of Democrats in the Senate and they are wary of spending $900,000,000,000 of taxpayer muney, which is the way that it should be.

The executive branch is only one part of this government and not the absolute power, so he needs to tone down the rhetoric and the "I won" trash talking and actually work with congress to get a legitamate plan passed.
yeah, but no one keeps their campaign promises. they are just to make stupid people vote for them. the bailoput was just a knee jerk reaction to a hysteria that was created. they needed to do something or the people would have gone nuts.
But really, neither is going to correct the fundamental probelems with the economy.

0.1 savings rate in ths country
70% of GDP made up of consumer spending.

Personal debt greater the the GDP

and the housing market being severly overvalued and fueled by low interest/ no down payment loans, etc

A protracted recession that causes a fundamental shift in the thinking would be better.

Too much govt interferrence will just make the situation worse (as you all shall be witness to) as well as giving legitamacy to the unsound economic priciples that got us into this mess.
they should go the whole nine and lower the retirement age to 60.

Say that people can begin to collect Social security at that age, take withdrawls from their 401ks, begin to be covered by medicare, etc.

Basically an early buyout for everyone.

This would reduce the workforce immedietly, which would then open up jobs for the people who are unemployed. It would also put $$ into peoples hands (the retirees) who having free days would go out and spend.
it may need some work, but it would probably work much better than the 900,000,000,000 (I just like typing 00000s)
between that and my extending of food stamps, this crisis would be licked.
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