Saturday, February 28, 2009


Damn it!!!!!!!!

The Flying Spaghetti Monster got into my Grape Stomp.

Stupid Spaghetti Monster.
umm... did I miss a holiday?
Happy Monday!
dude, the FSM has a holiday everyday
cause we are all decendents of pirates.
and in FSM heaven, there is a stripper factory and a beer volcano. and for the ladies and queers, there is a dude stripper factory, but if yr straight, the dude strippers are invisible. seriously, that is what is says in their bible.
if you could call it a bible. it is like 50 pages long and mostly just drawings of famous evetns with teh FSM hanging out there.
hope Mo has a safe trip!!!
Stupid invisible factory
My brain has serious Monday goo in it.
Good luck Molly Pumpkin!
mmmmmm.... brain goo
but does this mean you can get on at cschool again?
BLAH!!!! there is just too much to say. bellachik, scientology, beck.
ug. what a day
is it friday yet?
somehow, my work email lost its spell check function.
you all know from my typing on this how good my spelling is.
i am fairly reliant on spell check here in hte office.
see? my spell check would have been like, hey, thats spelled THE not HTE
i think i broke my computer at work here
howe is everyone today?
happy tuesday
does anyone know a good heirloom seed company?
because most commercial seeds are only good for one year. The seeds that are produced by the fruit of the plant are useless, so you need heirloom seeds to perpetuate your crop.

and the way things are looking, it might be time to start planning for the future. You know subsistance farming and the like.
I think that the government should suspend stock trading for one week while they figure out what they are going to do.

They need to give clear signals to investors what is going on. One branch of the govt says that we need to take over more banks, the Fed says that we will not, no wonder investors are shying away from investing in the financial sector and why banks are not lending to each ohter.

Unless, you believe that the govt is sending mixed signals so they can take over the whole economy. If you had a mind for conspiracies, this would definately be one. They'll usher in socialism one way or another and they have a pretty good jump on it right now.

Then they will tell you that it is the unrestrained capitalism that has spoiled the economy, while in reality it is the endless govt interference in the ecomomy that is dragging it down.
we use peaceful valley at work. i have a catalouge on my desk.
peaceful valley?

That sounds like such a nice place to be.

not only is there a peaceful valley farm supply, but there is also a peaceful valley martial arts studio
I can buy bees in a tube?

Who knew?
oh yeah! i buy them a ton!!! i let them lose all over teh place.
ok, so this is an actuial memo made to strike out agains the working families party. i am not kidding you!!
Date: 2/26/09
From: Montgomery Burns
To: Fellow Fatcats
Re: Fair Share Tax Reform

Rich people didn't get us into this mess. Ok, maybe we did. But that doesn't change the facts: Taxes are for the little people.

New York is facing a $14 billion budget deficit. To close it, the Governor proposed shutting down hospitals, laying off thousands of teachers and shredding social services. It's a fine plan.

But now, the commoners think they have a better idea. According to our sources, tens of thousands of them will 'rally' across the state demanding that (I can hardly type it!) the rich pay their fair share in taxes instead.

They must be stopped. It's our duty to ensure no one attends or hears about these rallies. We are calling on you, our most loyal supporters, to do all you can to keep attendance down and press coverage nonexistent.

If the media reports that people are angry, their legislators may start asking dangerous questions, like: why does the state's highest tax bracket start at just $20,000 a year?

So, my friends, I'm counting on you. Keep attendance low at the rallies with the help of a media blackout, don't let your chauffeur take the day off, and consider throwing more money at politicians to get them to see things our way.


Montgomery Burns
Billionaires Against Really Fair Taxation (BARF-Tax)
thats right, they used a fictional character.
right, but that is only the state potion of the income tax. and if the top tax rate is 6%, then 6% of 20,000 is a heck of a lot less then 6% of 200,000.

Anyway, that is on top of the top 10% of income erners paying close to 90% of the taxes already.

Why is a class war being pushed right now? Again, it plays into the hands of those who feel socialism is better than free market democracy.

there is a lot of money to be made at the fringes of a socialist society and people are lining up to take advantage of that right now. The explosion in the number of non profits and non governmental organizations over the last 10 years will continue, because these are the groups that siphon off money from the system and provide next to nothing in return.

Now you can argue that this is a way to more evenly distribute wealth and you may be right, (I don't think that is the case), but nothing is being created and that is not a way to sustain economic growth, in the short or the long term.
and as far as any type of media blackout??? Have you seen the assult on the airways of public service unions and the commercials that they are running?

This is very far from any type of news blackout.

not to mention that every other story on the news is some doom and gloom economic story pointing the finger at banks and wall street.
The media are hurting - so they are taking ads wherever they can get them.
Don't you remember? The current president ran on all the platforms that he is now doing. Whether the voters were smart or not, he is doing what he said he would. If it works, he will be a hero, if not we will probably have another president. either way, I don't make enough $$ to worry about the rich being taxed at a higher rate. I don't think any of my kids do, either. I have always complained about the Social Security tax - why should we pay 7/5% of all our income, while those making over 75,000 (or close to that) only pay on the first amount of their income? Charge every earner the same on all he/she makes and the SS sysem will be good for your lifetime. Mom
you're right. it is exactly what he said he was going to do and anyone who actually listened to his speeches (to the end, after all of the hooky stuff) would realize this is what his agenda was.

Now as for whether the American voter is informed and intellegent? we all know the answer to that.
hahahahah. this is all a crock. the economy, the war, the media. everything. it is all just to get us all pissed off. because we are stupid. if you have enough money for yr playstations and yr cell phones and yr SUVs, why pay attention. grab onto a slogan and a new idea and roll. dont bother paying attention to what any of it means or what peopl say. it is the same thing that has been happening for the last 8 years. you dont really expect us to change do you?
spend 15 minutes with the young liberal, or the young conservative. they say the same things. they hate the same things they just call themselves different things. it is all a bunch of crap.
we have no great war; our great war is teh war against information. we have no great depression; our great depression is our own lives. we are too selfish to truly care. we deserve whatever we get. and it si all just facilitation anyway. we are all going to die when the earth decides that we are no longer of use to her. she is a living organism just like us. when we get a virus, we push it out. so shall she. and in a billion years, as teh earths crust regenerates itself, there will not even be a trace of us left. maybe a few satalites still littering the skys abouve us.
mother nature is a cold woman. mom, please wash it all away. mom dont take guff. mom dont like what we do. mom will kick us out.
although that may be the case, that really is a negative way to look at it.

and people say that I am cynical
i dotn think it is being a cynic anymore. it is being a realist.
im a professional cynic, but my hearts not in it.
back for another day. against my will and better judgement.
is it the weekend yet? no, i dont think so.
No - not the weekend yet. Just Happy Grammar Day!!
grammer lives in florida.
it is totalyl not five yet. bummer
man, i cant think of much to say today.
it's your cynical nature catching up to you
either that, or your so engrosed in the NHL trade deadline that you can't think of anything else
it may be more that first one.
cause my focus on teh national hotdog league is less than it should be,. i mean, i like that Cheasnut dude, but only cause he beat that chinaman.
which, we all know, chinaman is not the preferred nomanclature.
I'm not too sure what to say about the national hotdog league
it may or may not be a league that I would want to join.

Now, I enjoy a hotdog now and then, but a dedicated league?

That may be too much commitment
and really? why is it not Friday
good thought on the hotdog league. i too enjoy a hotdog on occasion, but there would be a lot of pressure on me to eat them if i joined.
i mean, imagine the controversy if i wanted a burger and someone saw me. yr right. i dont think i can join.
happy sunny day!
so the Cowboys cut Terrell Owens.

I think that the Bills should pick him up.

It would give the bills a legitamate threat at wide receiver, and also it would give them publicity and make them relavant in the NFL again.
besides, think of the punishment for TO to have to live in Buffalo.

It may actually keep him out of trouble
or it would just solidify our place as where greats go to die.
but i say do it.
flying tanks?
umm... flying tanks?
It's finally Friday and nobody is here?
i am here. just flabergated over flying tanks.
happy friday
indeed. friday. i may sleep straight through to monday.
I'm definately sleeping thru unti 7:00 tonight when I leave here
To anyone who is "listening":
Dinner at 3 * at 6:30. Mom is buying. Millsons are coming. anyone else? Mom
seriously. this day is kiking my @$$
Happy dark Monday to you! Met a woman named Susan at Toni's baby shower who was in the movie with Brenz. Apparently Toni now needs to see your ninja shirts :)
yeah, she is one of the leads. real cool lady. and she bought two of my shirts!!
i have been meaning to talk to toni, cause i guess larry has or at least had a silk screner. i need me one of those if i am going to corner the market on chubby ninja shirts.
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