Thursday, February 12, 2009


I am so impressed with the potential you see in me

hey, glad i could help.
so, uh, yeah.
my time machine broke. well, its not broke, but it is stuck. it only goes forward and at regular time.
did i say that already? i mean, it still messes with my continum. like that movie i can never remember
wait, yeah i can. primer
After a horrible meeting that lasted 3 hours, and after my having to pay big bucks to a lawyer, and after the Town having to pay $815 for a court stenographer to record our January 2009 meeting - so that there was proof ofthe evil doing - I was able to get everything back. Then TOB laughed and said "oh I was nuts for awhile" Sorry, Tom, that doesn't cut it. No one wins.
But, pretty soon, "Family night at the 3 Star". Yeah. Love you. Mom. Lots of you had the day off. Molly was without power. Anyone else? I was ok - just sick to my stomach for a few hours today. Now, I'm looking for cookies.
cookies cure all!!
i want to go to 3 star! i may actually be going out there for band practice. maybe not. i have not figured it out yet.
hope you feel better!!
happy friday!!!
happy friday to all
hey hey, my brotha.
Tom, Cate, and Brendan,
I spoke with Molly and Jenny and we are going to the 3 Star tonight at around 6 - depending on when Larry's broomball match is at Fricano Park. Mom is celebrating getting her pay & benefits, hitting the bank, and paying for the Valentine's dinner. Let me know who's coming. Love you. Mom
love you mom!!!
Happy Valentine's day to all
Happy Valentine's Day!!!!
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