Saturday, February 07, 2009


I have banana hands

Itqs hard to piiiiiii

umm....banana hands????
that's worse than my scissor hands
and the boxing gloves i keep wearing to work
Can you imagine how hard it would be not to eat yourself?
put a jar of peanut butter or a fondue pot in front of me and oh boy...
Not the bad peanut butter though
I don't want to die on top of losing my hands.
I had a picture to go with this, but with banana hands it was too hard to get it posted.
Hhey! If you were a hotdog, would ya eat yourself? I know I would. I'd smother myself if brown mustard and relish, I'd be sooo delicious.
yeah, the fondue would be a hard thing not to indulge.
like kramers shoe horn hands.
i just got a wiff of that smell when you would open moms porch freezer shortly after a delivery of hiers ice cream. delicious, yet freezer burned.
60 degrees on thursday?
That sucks.
My hands will turn brown.
you are getting good at typing with them.
but seriously, you need to watch strong bad email online. he taped prawns to his boxing gloves to type.
outside of the rest of the crazy stuff he does
like attend Crazy Go Nuts University
and watch the episode called Techno. amazing.
yummy i want one of those raspberry ice cream sammies from mr haier
The system IS down.
Is that a banana in your pocket?

or are you just glad

oh, I see. you just had your hands in your pockets. My bad
so when are we holding the draft for the fantasy NASCAR season???
so... when people said that Obama was a socialist when he was running for pesident, were they expecting such quick action to socialism after he was elected??

$900 billion in govt spending

now an additional $1.5 trillion on the bank bailout??

so much for free market capitalism
I could really go for a sunday crunch bar.

Chocolate, not strawberry
or a creamsicle or a ice cream sandwich.
Those chocolate sundae crunch bars are da bomb.
who's bringing the sundae crunch bars to the NASCAR draft?
ouch... It looks like the markets do not like what they are hearing from Washington. -354 and counting
They're buying Hemi's?????
Biggest Fatties is on tonight.
My favorite show to eat ice cream to.
And I get it with peasant vision.
I sometimes think that The Biggest Fatties has taken reality TV to its worst depths of self revelation. When the Person has to stand on the scale with their flab hanging everywhere and their weight is up in 6 foot digits, it is like the person is throwing the last vestige of self respect away.

but then I remember that the Nanny show actually goes one step beyond that into the depths of self loathing.

ah, TV.
And don't forget wife swap...

ah glorious tv
where is all of my snow going???
When is the NASCAR meet? I can find the strawberry crunch bars - Mr. Haier died (and now I can tell that he was a perv. But Sav-alot still sells them for a reasonable amount. Sorry the freezer smelled (and still does).
What else can you expect from a door to door salesman?
were moving!!!!!
sorry, i have been out the past 2 days.
hurt my shoulder
yeah penguin!!!
good luck, Penguin!!!! Love you!!!
I hope that your sholder is feeling better.

Maybe it is time to retire (that is why Brett Favre is retiring again, he hurt his sholder)
or did you just see that moving thing and were like... quick something, right, hurt sholder.
i already volunteered to help move. hahah
i dont know how it happened, but the pillz the doc gave me made me super angry. i was like the hulk for 3 days.
dude, the pills turned you green?

That's no good
well, not green. just the anger and strength. well, not the strength either. just the wrath.
but it still beats banana hands.
maybe it wasn't the pills, maybe it was the water that you drank to take them, because that seems to be an average day for me.

How's the sholder?
I new paged myself out today.
It's quite a pain to try and get a new page on an ipod in the library.
Takes skills I don't appear to have.
Good luck on the move kiddo!
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