Thursday, March 26, 2009


Oy vey!

Sorry to Kvetch, but this meshuginah
chutzpah has me pretty farklempt.

Happy Friday!!!!
I'm farbrenter!
Don't be so narisch.
Gayn Cacken Ofn yam!!!!
Schlemeil schlmazel.
Zalts im in di oygen, feffer im in di noz.
Er zol kakn mit blit un mit ayter!
Alter kakher
Oh, and have a nice day!
fo shizzle, my nizzle. thats hebrew right?
these pics today are creepy.
the one looks like johnny the homicidal maniac. which is a good comic
so, uh, i guess there is a big to do over Barry giving the ok to stem cell research. thoughts?
considering that stem cell research has never been illegel, it really is not a huge thing.

What he is doing is giving federal funds to back the research, which up until now has been limited to only a limited number of stem cell lines already in existance.

It really is just another way for this administration to give out more money.

Spending like a drunken sailor
as far as him being a commencement speaker for Notre Dame....

That I think is an outrage.

How can a university that speaks so ideally of its Catholic roots accept him as their speaker? They should use this as a way to make a statement of their beliefs and reject him.
see, that is where i disagree. i think they should let him as a) he is the president and b) being catholics, they should accept him. that is my thought.
and just the historic perspective of it all.
but i ahave always thought the stem cell thing was ok. give them some money. do you realize what government funds go to? like, scientific study-wise? insane studies. i need to become a researcher just for the ridiculous money for inane studies.
The stem cell research to me is not the problem, since they are using already stored fertilized eggs - that were previously thrown out. They also have been doing this research, but just not with Fed $$. I object to the latest proposal that all hospitals would have to perform abortions in order to obtain any Federal $$ That is a real problem.
The federal government was funding stem cell studies, just not on new lines of stem cells.

There is also a real possibility that stem cell therapy is just a grail. Studies have been going on and they have not proven useful up to this point. And more money to stem cell research is just money taken away from other research
as for what else the federal government spends money on????

well... that should all be reigned back in as well

Trillion dollar deficits!!!!!

This is crazy talk. Even European leaders are saying that US spending policies are nuts.

That should tell you something
As for the Notre Dame thing.

So what that he is president?? Why does that really matter? and I am being serious.

but my point is not that all Catholics should be forgiving and open to all. That is fine, but as an institution that plays up its Catholic roots, it should have the guts to stand up for the catholic faith and reject Obama and his anti-Catholic rhetoric and actions. If the Church and its representatives (including ND), can not take a position to honor life, what is the point of clinging to its catholic roots?
it is not like our deficit has not been this high before, it is just that for once in the past 7 years, there is war funding added into the budget. 341 million a day for 7 years has been sopent on 2 wars. this guy did not create the deficit, it is just at our attention now.
well, stick to yr roots or forgive? which is it? what will a catholic do? historically, not forgive.
I like your Christ, but i dont like your christians. Not very Christ-like.
that dude forgave everyone and chilled with the outcasts. then we took a perfectly good faith; a perfectly good way of life and put a religion around it.
so, pick and choose. find what you like that mere men have said int eh centuries since He died and run with it. Disregard Matthew chapter 5-8. i dont see these anti-abortion jokers staying kosher and that is in that book too.
man, ONLY religion and politics today. hahahaha.
the largest federal deficit was in 2006 at $425 Billion.

This budget year it will be 1.7 trillion and is projected to be around 1 trillion a year for the next ten

This is not what the budget deficit has been and was just not noticed. This is truly spectacular overspending. This is definately new territory. We are dealing with deficits as a portion of the GDP not seen since WWII. and government spending as a proportion of GDP approching 40%. This is crazy and a recipie for failure. Latin American style.
as for the church thing....

its not a forgiving thing, its a sticking to your guns as an institution.

If the Church said that it was just a freeforall, then what?

It is a chance for them to prove a point by not having him speak. Its not about forgivness of an indivudual person.
well, i only care about Numero Uno, this cool new hispanic i met that works downstairs from me. man he is cool.
The Church was an institution that did develop in the years following the death of Christ and his teachings were distorted to a degree, but that being said, the Church does have a mission to upkeep their values.

Do people have a choice to follow or not? sure, that is the whole free will argument, but the institution can not just bend willy nilly to accomodate the latest fad. There were obviously points in the history of the Church which it abused its power, but that is not a reason today to be all, I wont listen to the Church because in 900AD it accepted $$ to pay for forgiveness.
and that does not address the point of Notre Dame having Barry O as their commencement speaker.

This is an institution that by its very name is a Catholic institution. It has a duty to protect the sactity of the fundamental beliefs and teachings of the Church.

Otherwise, it should just be called South Bend University
Individually, you can forgive BO and the relationship between God and BO is just that, between them.

I'm not speaking of individuals here, but rather of a larger institution. YOu can not agree with the dogma of the Church, but Notre Dame can't. At least not without comming accross as shallow and not connected with its religious past.
Freylekh Fraytik
I'm shlofndik
That's the part that bothers me about the abortion issue - the "Catholic" hospitals have to stand on principle - and it would appear, that by standing on principle, they lose their funding, which takes care ofeveryone. The hospital function -in spite of abuses (though none are making profits now) is a true Christian function. Most of the "Catholic" hospitals were founded by groups of nuns to help the poor and suffering. Colleges are usually thought of a hotbeds of controversy and thought - not really helping anyone, except those who want to advance themselves by increased education. They should be the bastion of Catholic thought and teachings, but in reality in the US, they are the seats of controversy (and often scolded by the "Vatican")
There is no greater sin than desire, No greater curse than discontent, No greater misfortune than wanting something for oneself. Therefore he who knows that enough is enough will always have enough.
were you talking about forgiving me? or obama?
i got my new kindle. i love the function where it turns exstended metaphores into similies.
man, am i the only person who works on mondays?
cause that will have to cahnge.
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