Saturday, March 14, 2009


Please people...

Just be safe out there.

Oh precious technology.
Happy Birthday Lar!
What are SB doing here on Sat. I thought only sleepers and Mom worked on Sat! Happy BD Larry. Happy pi day to all. Hope to see some of you at "The MEAT RAFFLE"
Bren, how was the show? You are probably still sleeping. Love, Mom
happy birthday larry!!
sorry i missed the fiesta.
And quite a fiesta it was!! Thanks for having a birthday Larry and thanks for feeding us Grandma Maggie!
Thanks Grandma Maggie!!!
yeah, so i didnt really know there was such a thing as satan rap.
but there is.
and i guess it involves cheese graters and foreheads.
In flagrante delicto...
i mean, that is whzat i was thinking.
ooops! Sorry! I thought you meant Saran Wrap.
????? what? i mean, i did mean saran wrap. it is pretty evil.
Evil in its clingy ways...
nothing should stop water from escaping a bowl . pure black majik.
is it friday yet? or close?
so, i just ate most of a box of tim bits. maybe i am not off doughnuts yet.
20 pack or 40 pack?
I'm still full from last night.

Great dinner mom.

Bren, Again, How was the show? Bob Kibler's band was supposed to play there on Sat, but one of the members was involved in an accident and, with a blood level of .05, he ended up in jail, so their show was cancelled. I guess the crowd was pretty slim that night, too. What about you?
Sorry we missed you at the fiesta yesterday. We have been REALLY busy today because it is the last day for taxes, so I am just writing. Love, Mom
Happy St. Patty's Day, my green friends!!!
happy st. pats day!
the show went well. a lot of people came out to see it. we were the only live band.
And a happy St. Patrick's to all
happy bday larry and happy st pats to all!!
man, is it friday yet? i am getting bored with it not being fruiday.
just make today Friday and take the next two off and when you come back from your "weekend" it will be Fridy all over again.

problem solved
Brenz, the Swinging Utters are playing tonight, are you in?
HAHAHAHAHA must for st patties day.
Hippies, hippies... they want to save the world but all they do is smoke pot and play frisbee
dont forget, they smell bad too. i hate hippies.
but at least i have slayer to keep them at bay. its like garlic and vampires and catholics and rubbers.
Yesterday I shot an elephant in my pajamas.
How he got in my pajamas I don't know.
Probably because of the hippies.
It's usually a good bet to blame them.
Chocolate chip cookies are never to blame.
If we served more chocolate chip cookies, chances are we would have world peace.
PHHHHH....what am I talking about...chances are...we WOULD have world peace.
Oh Kathy.
I thought that was a Ziggy
Is there any reason to wear scrubs if you are not a surgeon or a nurse?
comfort. were yr pajamas scrubs?
so, i have always thought that we as a family should hold a world record. they are all kind of hard to top this day in age, but i may have found one that at least i could do with the assistance of the fam. the world record for staying awake is 11 days. i am going to email mountian dew to see if i can get sponsorship and maybe even a drink named after me (Orrange Orange, i am thinking) and rock this record.
I want to be there for that.

I'm thinking that after four or five days, you'll be so screwed up and out of it, that it might be fun to watch
the kicker would be that you would make it to day twelve and then the official would be like, oh sorry, caffine is not allowed and in your reverted to primeval state due to lack of sleep, just as if you were a chimp, you would rip his face off.

on second thought, maybe you do not want to pursue this record
what's the record for consecutive hours asleep (not in a coma)?
i did think about staying asleep the longest. i may hold that record.
but bad news, in looking into it, guiness does not allow that record anymore. the phycological effects are too dangerous. i may just do it for myself at this point, though.
I'm all for a group world record. I'm pretty sure we could consume the world largest dessert in the shortest amount of time.
Dream big people. Dream big.
my one idea fits pretty well with yrs. i wanted to make the largest rice crispie treat. then we could eat it
I'm up for it! Find out how big we have to make it. Nothing wrong with consuming tons of marshmallow, butter and rice crispies!
the record is 2500 pounds. cool thing was, they got most of the stuff donated. i am not a math teacher, but find out the volume of maggies pool and see if we filled it with rice crispie treats how mucht htat would weigh.
they then sold it for a dollar a square for some charity, so i think we need to start a charity. or we could just eat it ourselves. and snap crackle and pop showed up for it.
for those of you scoring at home

Military Laser Hits Battlefield Strength
they also said today that thye have made a laser that can kill mosquitos. pretty sweet.
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