Monday, April 27, 2009


And then we went to the visitor center...

And there were Skittles EVERYWHERE!!!

Don't be harshin' my buzz, bro!
We also went to see Bill Nye.
He is quite the dude.
I miss the inane blather during the day.
Harshes my buzz.
There has to be a way!!!!!
But alas.
Butt a lass.
Me gusta tres de Mayo!
y cinco de mayo, para tres de mayo es bueno!
dame mi blogo!
por favor?!?!?
No me gusta nada. :-(
es mal
i got lost there and instead of gonig back and rereading it, i am going to play dumb
tomorrow has been the first 100 days, i heard.
i have not been counting
horroscope on teh onion today.

An attempt at composing the perfect love sonnet will fail time and again this week when you fall for a girl named "Orange."
ahh, the old curse of the poet. Orange
turns out that I picked a real bad time to read the book The Coming Plauge.
read oryx and crake. made me want to be viral scientist.
anyone that coughs at work i just point at and oink. it may be mean, but i may just be funny.
so, this kid got a nintendo DS from wall-mart and the box was just filled with rocks. so, i was reading the article about it. the best part was the picture and teh caption. it was just a pic of a DS sitting on some rocks and teh caption read "all i got was a rock" go charlie brown.
so a grasshopper walks into a bar

the bartender says, hey we have a drink named after you.

the grasshopper says, really, you have a drink named Steve?
dude, i love getting tanked on steves.
when chuck norris jumps into water, he doesnt get wet. the water gets chuck norrised.
what a time to be a fatalist.

although, I guess that if you were a pessimistic fatalist, you would still complain that the end was comming too soon
maybe the 2012 crowd is on to something
ice caps melting, wide spread drought, swine flu (not to mention that the bird flu is still out there)the economy crumbling, pirates, floods in the midwest....

Again, a perfect time to be a fatalist
or a dance music producer
but really, is there ever a bad time to be producing dance music?
How suprising. Obama is going to have a prime time press conference tonight.

Who would have thought.
i am stoked cause egypt is killing all 350,000 pigs they have. cheap ham.
You woudn't think that Egypt would be too big on the pig in the first place. Being muslim and all.
i guess 10 percent of them are christian, which is apparently sononimous with pig eating.
If it were not bad enough that people are getting sick and some are dying and it may end up in a worldwide pandemic....

The US secretary of agriculture has taken offense to it being called Swine Flu and would perfer if we all would call it Influenze type A H1N1 instead

This isn't swine flu, it's H1N1 virus. That's very important, because markets...are very sensitive
I guess that it will give the Muslim Brotherhood one more reason to hate the infidels
good call.
i guess it is the same reason budweiser gave me to stop calling what happens to me after drinking it "Bud Mud" they were like, we havae a sensative market.
here's to wishing that it was Friday (or Saturday as the case may be)
Consider this: The U.S. produces 10 billion animals a year just for food, animals that contribute one-fifth of all greenhouse gases and clog our arteries
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