Thursday, April 16, 2009


Farm Boys...

lives of gay men from the rural Midwest.

True book title.
The cat has nothing to do with it.
And I thought I was a Native Mandarin.
No pun intended.
or implied.
Except the one about the Norwegian house wife.
That one is always intended.
I so want one of your cards!
Actually, it would be great to have a whole bunch of them, so I can ask people if they would like my card, and then give them yours.
I mean, it really was my card to give.
That monkey was even eating the orange.
Citrus week.
You gotta watch out for them racoons.
they bite
Let me consult with mop.
i have a few hundred cards yuou can have
and i may have to read that book. i think it is about my boss
love you all!
hope the weekend is this nice.
either that or I will live with the regret that I did not call in today
And what's with tthe guy shooting Barney?

or with melon head kitty. I'm still not sure about melon head kitty
what about barneY? i didnt hear that
i think i called in monday today. i was like, hey, i think i am goingt to be sick on monday
oh wait, i see that picture of teh guy shooting barney. now i get it.
my bad.
In answer to Marv Levy's where would you rather be than right here, right now?

but then he was not asking his question in a library on a sunny Saturday either
marv. what a guy
so, i take off teh rainy day. bummer
so... who's going to the dead show tonight?
don't lie Brenz, I know that you are a closet fan
oh, is that tonight?
i may have to hit up the lot scene for some baloons.
or some of that fancty paper they are always selling. with the pictures of mad hatters and crap on them.
"Oh is that tonight?"

Like you didn't already know
Who is this Uncle Sid that everyone keeps talking about meeting before the show?
I'm actually somewhat interested in if there is a parking lot scene?

Are people actually following them this time?
and how old are the band members?

Are they in their 70s?

They formed in the early sixties, so they have been together for 45 years or so and were probably in their 20s when they started?
why, do you know uncle Sid? I mean, i know some guys looking for him.
and yeah, they are probably in tyheir 70s./ they were in their 20s when they were driving around with Kesey.
does anyone know how to get rid of a tapr worm?

cause I'm pretty sure that I have one.
seriously, there is no other reason that I should be so hungry
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