Wednesday, April 08, 2009


Fight, you time wasting figure skater!

Mullets do not give you super powers.

I have a student with a real live mullet.
No lie.
Happy Holy Week Wednesday!
a fe-mullet? i assume, as you teach at an all girls school.
which is way more gutsy than a dude mullet
i dont think it is that gutsy if yr a redneck or the like.
its more genetic at that point.
we're on the road, coach
Don't forget to pre-order you Simpsons Stamps

Simpson Pre-Orders
if i trusted tyeh post office to deliver my mail, i would totally use those.
if ever my brother wants a good laugh at some music, i would suggest mindless self indulgence. i get a kick out of them.
although, my friends racist girlfriend did call them music for fat people.
maybe she is against fatties too. not just minorities and immagrants.
so, uh, peeps? the day after easter, i am going to buy enough to fill a pool. and then microwave them. then macrowave that. then make rice crispy treats out of the fallen, melted peeps.
ah, friday.
i took my three day weekend last weekend, so i will be here on monday.
even though all you chumps are off
which reminds me, i should see if i have been accepted to school.
to become a teacher so i only have to work 180 days a year
Sweet....If you ever get that time macine going, I need it.
Must. Become. Teacher.
So some of you are also working on Good Friday! I will be here for another hour, hoping to catch up on some stuff. It's nice when it's quiet. Hoping to see you all on Sunday. Lov, Mom
yeah, i will totally let you know when my time machine is back up and running. the switch is stuck so it only goes forward at normal speed. not tha fun.
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