Monday, May 11, 2009


Everyone should have a monkeypuppy.

It would make things alot easier to tolerate.

I hope, JB, that you are okay!
Super Freeze dude and his chick were pointing to us and commenting to us last night.
Not sure if that's a good sign or not.
I have a bad feeling that they were excitedly talking about either their new sports car that they were now going to be able to afford or the snazzy cruise they would take.
I'm pretty sure they were excited we made our return.
Your welcome super freeze dude!
WE are going to document this year's super freeze outings and costs.
Thus making us physically ill at how much we spend on super freeze.
Which will send me into a tizzy of an eating frenzy which will end up at....Super Freeze!
Drown my sorrows in icecream!
It's the only way (besides pizza and chocolate)
Do you feel not so fresh?
Then WASH your stinky butt!
You do realize that the only things you're born knowing how to do are taking a shit and complaining, right?
I'm trying to figure out a way to tell my students that without getting the phone calls...
I'll probably get flagged for that one.
Juicy fruiter spazzes out about those things.
Anywho... Marli heartily dislikes IZ, but I absolutely love it because of the show's randomness and (at times) sheer insanity. Some of the things that go on, it really takes a sick mind to think of. My favourite in this case being the Dark harvest episode, where Zim harvests organs from humans to disguise his alien identity.
Sounds like Happy Days jumped the shark.
all I have to say is - wow! and maybe a huh? thrown in for good measure.
feeling better
some super freeze would be clutch though
and for those tat have seen the new indiana jones movie, it is no longer jumping the shark, but nuking the fridge.
which is just a different way of jumping the shark
Is that $17 for tasty freeze?
that seems crazy for a good old american ice cream outing
and with gas prices rocketing back up, its bound to be an even more expensive trip
glad to hear that your feeling better Bobby
So the season finale of Lost is on tomorrow evening. Now I do not watch Lost, tried for a bit, but was lost? (right, how cliche)

Anyway, the one actor said that the show will have cliffhangers that will make you want to eat your soul.

Now that my friend is something you should see.
well, i will put money on my soul being pretty tasty.
and that phillip dick book i am readign, holy crap it has gone mad
i had to stop reading last night when the creature that eats its own eyes gave a book to teh guy which tells him how he dies.
yea, but was anyone eating their own soul?
seems to me eating your eyes is childplay compared to making an entree of your core being.
then again, i could be wrong
and it seems that Lies, Inc. was kind of cobbled together after he died by "scholars" going through his old manuscripts, so their may be some continuity problems that arise from that or it could be a few rewites that Dick did not intend. Or it could be that he was messed up.

The novel came from the short story The Unteleported Man. (which I have not read either)

As an aside... When searching for articles or websites about Philip K Dick on the internet superhighway, make sure you use his complete name and not just his last name.
A few movies to add to your netfilx que

Threat Level's 10 Favorite Paranoid Films
yeah, always philip k. hahaha. made that mistake once.
but in thinking about yr lament, sleepers, you may want to try reading his short stories. the writing is a bit sophmoric, but the staries as a whole are great. that is what got me into him.
No, that's days left this year.
Oh, I see now on the 17
It is alot cheaper without boys...
that whole summer off thing is looking mighty appealing
They actually didn't want to go the last time. Something about being full. Like that has anything to do with eating ice cream.
I just read "We Can Remember It for You Wholesale"
Quite appealing.
Too Full???
Did they not hear that you were going for ice cream?
crazy talk I tell you
I think it may be a conspiracy.
Mischief afoot.
along with their monkeypuppy, everyone should have a helper chimp, too
dude, we will remember it for you has one of my favorite endings. come on!!! that is awesome!!! taht dude keeps us alive!
It strikes me as funny (strange) that Sleepers has a problem with spending $17 on Tasty Freeze (obviously, he does not have 3 teenaged sons), has no problem with eating his own soul!
I never said that I did not have a problem with the eating of my own soul

I just found it interesting that that is how an actor would describe a show?
and really $17 for ice cream? Perhaps, (ok, not perhaps, definately) I am out of touch with reality, but I'm thinking that for 5 large cones, $17 seems outrageous.
again, I can be way off on that one.

Maybe I'll stop for a cone on the way home.
milk products aint cheap. DQ larges are like 2.89 or something. with tax and there being 5, yeah, thats almost 17.
Actually, I only spent $13 on icecream. It's 17 days left although now it's 16 but really closer to 15 because I don't count today anymore. If I've already showered, the day is done.
I don't really put up a fight if the boys don't want to go for ice cream with me. Even though that's just weird.
why would they not want ice cream? i dont get it?
mjo asked for ice cream for breakfast this morning
is there something wrong with that?
an ice cream cone is kind of like eating cereal.

You have your milk and your sugar and some type of grain product in the cone.

same as cereal
make it cookies and cream and it would be like eating a bowl of cookie crisp (although, I'm not sure that cookie crisp is the best example of a balanced breakfast)
So there is a headline on that says that US stocks drop on recession concern

Really? where have these people been for the last year. This is not a new concern. maybe the headline could have read continuing recession concerns.
So, an ice cream cone is the perfect food! I thought it was pizxza - you have your bread, veggies, protein - all in one!
something about being full
I may have to pull in the juvy court for this one.
foul excuse!
mom used to let me eat pie for breakfast cause she said it was like fruit and pancakes.
or maybe that is what i said to her to let me eat it.
and if you had a scoop of ice cream on the side it would have made for a wonderful breakfast

Just like may waffles on Sunday (although, I did not have a side of ice cream, but the massive amounts of whipped cream served as my dairy serving)
Your Father always said that breakfast was the perfect time to eat spaghetti or pie, because you had the rest of the day to work it off.
i hear that. i like to eat the second half of a sub for breakfast. it slows me down, but i like to think i can rock it off.
ok, so there is a cookie on my desk. did someone posion it knowing i will eat it?
oh, and had spagetti for lunch. i now have the rest of the day to work it off. oh, that was after the bagel, then the bagel with sausage egg and cheese and i am teaching a seminar this afternoon that will have pizza. and the possible posioned cookie. i may need a few days for this one
mmmm....cookie. Me are getting hungry for cookie....
Happy Friday!!!
indeed. hahaha
I sure hope no one is giving me a monkeypuppy for my birthday!
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