Wednesday, May 06, 2009


Ichabod Crane would not be happy to see you.

at least as far as I know.

And I'm pretty down with what old Ichabod likes.
Sticking it to the man one day at a time!
I am so excited to see a new picture every day! Stick it to the man!!
from loaded pickle pants to Dr. Quimby, I am lost and confused
I am hoping JB has not come down with the swine flu...
Sounds like piggy!
Not to be confused with Dr. Quinn.
Medicine woman
And pants are optional!
So I finished The Man in the High Castle by Philip Dick and I must have missed something?

It won a Hugo award (whatever that happenes to be), but I have to tell you, I was not impressed?
for those of you keeping score at home

In its latest bailout, the now-bankrupt Chrysler has received $12 billion in taxpayer dollars -- totaling $314,000 per Chrysler U.S. employee -- for producing vehicles insufficient numbers of Americans want to buy.
i have not been feeling well. maybe swine related. not sure.
sometimes with his books, it takes a few reads. or they just dont make sense.
i am reading Lies, Inc. right now and i got to the middle where he gets shot with an LSD dart and it stopped making sense.
keep in mind the dude was out of his gord.
This is just an invite to everyone on Sunday for Brunch for Mommy's Day in Langford after mass.
I've never been happy with Hugo award winners.
I'm pretty sure Hugo = Crap
i think bradbury won that for 451
that one was pretty good.
but a good one to read is Deus Irae. that one i have read twice and loved both times. almost kafka in the end (in that it doesnt really end)
not like The Castle by kafka which literally ends mid-sentence
but the readers of cracked will know that he never intended to publish any of that.
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