Thursday, May 21, 2009


Um, I think you dropped your pocket.

You'll want to get that taken care of.

Happy Thursday!!!!
It looks like your sock might be untied as well.
I'm not surprized. I drop everything at least once.
i never have a good time with my socks.
they are always inside out or something.
Happy thursday to you too
umm... has anyone seen my pocket? I think that I may have dropped it a bit earlier, somewhere around here
any luck on locating a Big Wheel?

You need to go around the city on big garbage day.
i told the guy to look at garage sales. stuff like that.
they atre like 90 bucks on amazon. hahaha
$90 for a big wheel?

crazy talk
check on Craigs List or Ebay
there is one for $13 on ebay (after all the $60 ones)

And on craigs list, there are some bigwheel knockoffs under kids toys
Can anyone bring me lunch?
It was sub club today.
No lunch required.
Even though I do not have to get up tomorrow, I do have to get up. Therefore, I'm not sure if it constitutes a true day off.
Yes. That's right. 4:30am.
no use even going to sleep if you're getting up at 4:30
I'm thinking I shouldn't even bother going to bed, but just pull an all-nighter
just wait for last call and you're all set
Stupid Canadians.
I can't recall the last time that my eyes have seen 4:30am
oh, that's rigt. The Wub is going to the Great White North
have fun!!
bastions of alcoholism and socialism.
Canadians, that is.
i kind of like it there.
but bars close at 2. and the bartender was like "if you want to drink, you might as well leave" and i was like, just give me a few for teh road
and when you ask where you can get booze, everyone says "Dial-a-bottle" and then yr like, well, whats teh number, everyone is like, i dont know.
happy Friday to all
I hope that the SBs have made good use of their time.

Just think of the endless possibilities if you are up before the sun
like what?
feed some chikens?
Happy Tuesday!!
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