Monday, June 01, 2009


A dime has 118 ridges on its edge.

I just counted. Some dolt told me 117. I showed them. 117. What a joke.

William Taft still has a hard time with bathtubs.
despite the dime revalation? tuff luck, taft
pop tarts. the breakfast of champions.
Pop Tarts are on sale this week at Tops - just FYI
that isw a good FYI
although, i am not sure how many i can handle.
it is not like i am at lischers anymore.
cant eat them everyday.
two days in a row and i get all weird. hahaha
he is all hopped up on pop tarts again.
this intuition limps with the cane of suspision folding space in the crease of this page.
which reminds me of a weird fact. did you kknow it is impossible to fold a web page in half more than 7 times?
They say that if you were to fold a regular sheet of paper 50 times it would reach to the moon
Something to do with exponetial growth and the like
even on cool days, it is too hot for me in this place.
now that is a wacky fact!! the moon, eh?
I think that it has more to do with magic and dark spells
i mean, i know yr small intestine can reach the moon and back three times, but a piece of paper?
right, the moon
I guess that if you do the maths..... a fraction of an inch to the 50th know
you should work here, the AC is always cranked and it is freezing in here
i love the cold. i still dont buy into taht reaching the moon thing. i may have to research this a bit.
if you were to believe wikipeadia

One of the reasons why high-fold-count paper folding is so difficult is that the height, and thus width of the paper required and height of the successive folds, grow exponentially. Folding a piece of paper in half 100 times, if it were possible, would produce a stack of paper approximately 8×1022 miles in height
I'm still not sure I'm a believer.

I think that maths is all smoke and mirrors anyway.

I mean, come on, they just confuse people with a bunch of equal signs and greek letters and make some outlandish claim??
Suppose you start with a paper which is 0.004 inches thick. The resulting
thickness after 100 folds would then be
(0:004)2100 = (0:004)(1:26765 £ 1030) = 5:07060 £ 1027
inches thick; i.e., it is about 8:00284£1022 miles. To give you an idea of how
thick that is, the distance to the sun in about 9:3£107 miles. This means that
this thickness is more than 860 trillion times the distance from the earth to
the sun! This example illustrates how quickly an exponential functions grows.
ah, wednesday. a day like no other.
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