Wednesday, June 03, 2009


My recommendation for training your dog is this:

When he does something bad, cut off a little piece of his tail and make him eat it. Then don't feed him for the rest of the day.
I'm just kidding PITA! Take a chill pill. Or I'll feed you some of your arm.

I'm pretty sure I'll get flagged today, but it was so worth it.
I really wanted to give 5 things overheard from my office.....
LOL on the dog training....don't give jb any ideas.
this is going to be a weird day!@!! hahahaha
i dont think teh dog part would give me ideas, but feeding a member of PETA a piece of their arm? now that i would do!
Congrats to Nardin for again being #1 (of course Canisius doesn't play in thae same league)
North Collins has only 673 students (from K-12) - smallest school in the whole state (close to it).
That poor pillow mouse
Kung fu died!!
then if my theory on small schools and class size were to hold true, then NC should be at the top of the academic world
i hope he didnt go like pillow mouse.
Poor Kung Fu
I care
From Yahoo....

Muslims mixed on speech

President Obama's address was a positive step, but lacked concrete proposals, some say
no there kidding. An Obama speech that lacks details?
and concrete proposals?

Haven't these people been listening for the last two years?

That could be said about almost all of his speeches
I'm still disturbed about pillow mouse
sadly, we are already living in a police state

Ruling allowing Taser use to get DNA may be nation’s first
Don't taise me bro.
or is it tase?
Just don't do it.
It's so exciting to see the MP on today! But then I just realized it was night time. Thanks for dropping by!
It's so exciting to see the MP on today! But then I just realized it was night time. Thanks for dropping by!
i was fully prepared for a confetti explosion...and there was no confetti!!!!!! ....go fig
its friday!!
dont taze me bro!! classic. that dude got tazed, too.
two jelly doughnuts from paulas. i am set.
I'm a sneaky confetti master.
When you get a message from Paul Sanchez, then you worry.
Taze! Thank you! I couldn't get the correct spelling.
Jelly Donuts on National Donut Day - good job!!
ok, so i only heard it was national doughnut day after eating 3. so i feel i need to eat at least one more n honor of the day. i may puke.
I'm so disappointed that I missed national donut day :(

Olean man says he was robbed of $15,000 on Buffalo street

What was some guy from Olean doing in Buffalo late Friday night with $15,000 cash? And why did these guys approach him demaning said cash? couldn't he have just given them his wallet and kept the cash. I'm assuming that it was not displayed on the seat of the car?

There seems to be something amiss about this.

Officer, these guys just stole my drug money
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