Saturday, August 08, 2009


What did you say? I wasn't listening.

Gauge is for wussies.
Not that kind silly.

And that equals 12.
But enough about me and your butternut squash.
I'm pretty sure the gingers won that round.
I would be quite worried if it was a squirrel in a cardigan. They can get seriously vicious.
ah, how i have missed the SBs mindless ramblings.
they remind me not to take life too seriously.
i used to own a race horse with bette midler. We called it Krudler!!
that is a great name for a jerk
and i think we have a troll present.
a reader without posts.
and i hate gingers.
did you know that unicorns fart glitter? crazy.
ugh. only 3.
all the leaves are brown, and the sky is grey.
this year for halloween, we all make robot costumes out of boxes. the only thing better than one person doing that would be all of us doing it.
I am all for box robot halloween year.
With toilet paper rolls as accents
godspeed, retarded gerbil monkey. godspeed
Love it!
SWEET!!! box robot halloween!!
this has the potentioal for greatness. horrible, horrible greatness.
i also like how google says that i can choose an identity.
so, there was this rabbit and skwerl. they were walking along one day, being soft and fuzzy. then the skwerl was like, hey rabbit, i will be right back. the rabbit waited outside the bar for about an hour until the skwerl came out obviously hammered. rabbit, was like, dude, yr wasted. the skwerl was like F*ck you man! i am going to get a prostitute.
the end.
A.A.Milne and his woodland creatures eat your heart out.
You have a gift my friend.
Don't hide that under a bushel basket.
Happy Friday to all!
thank you!
i have been having a haiku battle all day at work.
Happy Tuesday to all
OK, so apparently, the new video screen in the new Dallas stadium is low enough for punts to hit it.

Whatever, but did you see the size of that thing?

Why even go to the game, if your just going to sit there and watch it on TV?

The Romans have nothing on our excess.
so Brenz, what do you know about the board game Agricola?
in case any of you were concerned what the weather is space is going to be like this week

Current Space Weather Conditions
I know that I am particularly interested in the GOES Solar X-ray Flux
J-dog found the perfect head for box robot halloween. I hope everyone else is preparing.
oh, we're preparing alright
I'm actually building an actual robot for Halloween.
It will be programed to terrorize children and steal candy
BTW.....Happy Friday
and a very Happy Birthday to MJOS
I hope your day is full of love and cake
ah, done with te long weekend.
and uh, i am all over this robot halloween.
monday is not friday.
Nor is Wednesday
How can I possibly be expected to handle school on a day like this?
I can't believe that I'm here today. Oh to have the wisdom of Ferris.
yeah, he was quite slick.
although now, i just have to call in and say that i will not be there.
but i still like to have mom do if for me sometimes.
classic t-shirt....

I wish my lawn was Emo, so it would cut itself
that is a good shirt.
have you seen the emo cow? that is awesome!
who's awesome? you are awesome!~
What is an emo cow? Did you call in sick today? Sorry your Mom won't do it for you.
Are you going to "Marie's Wedding"?
wow. you belittled the emo cow, me and yr sister in that sentence.
I thought Nardin was back in session. When are we going to get a new picture?
get those rosters in.

Thursday night game this week.
i am totally going to throw it this year.
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