Monday, September 21, 2009


Wanna play cards?

I'll go first.

No, you can not play the Chuck Norris Card.
I love the Bills!
At least til next Sunday.
Go T.O.!
I can feel a Super Bowl on the way!
For real folks!!!! Feel the fever!!!!
(I hope it's not Swine Flu...)
I said good day sir.
There ain't nothin wrong wit that.
Speed kitchen on the way!
And you thought eating cookies wasn't until Wednesday. Wrong Sucker!
did they take my powers for teh cattank card?
the bills used the cattank card.
I feel like someone used the cattank card against me.
well, they could have used it years ago. you know, time not being an issue.
i like how the skwerl asks for all my dern whisky.
that may actually explain quite a few things
I love Bills' fans - win one game and they are buying Superbowl tickets! Remember that the Bucs are one of the poorer teams. let's see how they fare vs the Saints!
i hate to say that i am a little leary about the saints game. but all the same, GEAUX BILLS!!!
skeptics on this blog????


Need I remind you mr/ms skeptic, that Buccaneers are pirates. And Pirates are pretty tough fellows to be messing around with, particulary for Buffalo Bill and his wild west show
and against Saints..... well, who really has a chance against a saint? Either the saint wins by divine intervention or you defeat the saint and they become a martyr to the cause.

Really, where is the win there?
So Hazzah I say to this Buffalo Bill and his merry men, Hazzah!
did we just get hazzahed?
GO BILLS!! it doesnt matter. we are the bills.
Happy Wednesday!!!


Go Bills!!

The Saints have nothing.
I do like all of the people who are like... if it rains and is windy on Sunday, Drew Breese will not be able to throw the ball. and I'm like... Have you seen Trentative Edwards try to ply in anything but blue skies and no wind? If ever there was a QB that should be in a dome, it is Trentative.
trentative? hahaha.
you figure that he would have some practice from being here, but when i went to training camp, as soon as it started raining, the whole team booked for the locker room.
Remember how most of those players played in HS & College where they played in all kinds of weather - with no domes. Now, they become pansies! If I was being paid $13 Million, I would play in ice (oh yeah, I would need a stick & still get that $$)
i would play through all types of weather for that money. but also keep in mind most of the pros now are from the south where there is a greater focus on football.
If I was going to be paid that much $$ to play football and had a choice (via free agency or having my agent float the idea that I wouln't play for a certian team at the draft) I would, no doubt, be angling for a warm weather spot or a dome.

Snow/Rain/Cold - oh, hell no.
not to mention that my stats would look better and I would rake in even more $$
I'm still rather frightened by the notion of catank.
to say nothing of Hobo Squirrel
I thought it was the Super Bowl on Sunday...
I was all excited we finally won one.
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