Tuesday, October 06, 2009


An electric noodle with a chauvinistic penchant for debauchery.

Silly electric noodles.

What is wrong with them!
It's out of my hands.
Give up people!
on the thing that i use, about 20 pop ups show up every time i type anything.
why type?
why not tipe?
it's not like its trype
though it could be
stupid trype
Someone should fix that computer - all those popups are probably connected to some virus.
its that darn piggy flu
and what is up with those noodles??
I just found out that Social Distortion will be playing the Town Ballroom tonight and I will be standing in front of a room extolling the virtues of the library website insted of having my hearing once again worsened by Social Distortion
It would seem that all is lost.

Any lasting thought that I had some type of edge or coolness is hereby relegated to the dustbin of history.
somehow, it turns out that, I am actually a librarian?

oh how the fates laugh at us
I'm currently estimating the onset of my midlife crisis to be about three years away.
Help me obi-wan, you are my only hope
if it makes you feel any better, i just plain forgot they were playing until this morning
but i did get to see a three hour shapes of state set teh other day. that was pretty cool..
so as I'm adding music to my ipod, I find myself asking... am I really going to listen to that Nitzer Ebb album ever again?
you are weird
no one made a comment about my weird comment
that upsets me
i think that makes me weird
but you generally have room on an ipod for all that crap.
It may make you a tad wierd, but it would be pretty difficult to tell around here.
I'm thinking that the weird barometer would be going bonkers in a place like this
and I do agree that there is room on an ipod for all of that crap, but still???
and as it turns out, 160GB of storage is a lot.

there is still over 100 GB of free space and there are around 10,000 songs on the ipod right now
like a month worth of music
which doesn't even touch the 460GB of music that I have on an external hard drive????

Really, am I ever going to listen to it all?
actually I'm just trying to cover up the fact that I'm just downloading every Grateful Dead show.
turns out, they played a lot of live shows over the years.

(but aside from the shows in 73 and 77, I'm thinking that they were just mailing it in on most nights)
and really, who would have actually noticed
even if your an ardent supporter of Barry O, can you actually find this whole Nobel Peace Prize thing anything less than laughable?
even if your an ardent Bills fan, can you actually find this whole Dick Juron thing anything less than laughable?
ummm.... the Las Vegas Locomotives vs the California Redwoods????

Is this fantasy football?
To Sleepers:
"your" should be you are. Thank you.
I don't correct spelling or many things on a blog, but I had to make not of that!
Oops, my fingers slipped. I meant "note" not "not". Sorry!
thank you for your attention to detail.

Perhaps someday I will pay attention to what I am typing here.
Perhaps, I will dedicate myself to always use proper grammer and make a speech to that effect and I will win the nobel prize for grammer.
did they notice his complete failure in trying to get the palitinians and isrealies to sit down and discuss peace?

Did they realize that he is the commander in chief of a country that is deeply invovled in two wars.

He presides over a country that has the greatest nimber of nuclear warheads.

A country that does not have an unblemished record when it comes to human rights violations.

Do they recall that it was he that gave the order to shoot the Somali pirates?

He is president of a country that has an extreamly high incarceration rate.

Need I go on???

I guess that with the cult of personality surrounding Barry O, they actuality of what he does (or doesn't do) is completely irrelavant.
next time I'll put my rant through spell check ;)
anyway..... did anyone else notice that the temp on Sunday is not expected to get above 50 degrees?
So it is a slow day on the reference desk....

So a former facilities director at Canisius HS pleads guilty to defrauding the school to the tune of 500,000 for a fake repair and he directed the $$ to a fake company?

I'm wondering what he was thinking? like maybe you can get away with scamming on a couple thousand dollar repair, but who is not going to notice that half a million dollars worth of work is not being done?
Please note the spelling of
Did you know that Barry was nominated on Feb 1 - before he had done anything. The Nobel panel said they did it in hopes that he would do SOMETHING. They felt that anyone was better than GW.
Glad I'm not going to the game! Are we going to Craneridge on Sun? What time?
Sausage Fest is on for Sunday around 1:00ish
should have gone to sausage fest
bad game.
not saying anything else about it. hahaha
did see those people get hit though. twisted. bad day all around.
You missed a party where the appetizer was chili and dessert was deep fried turkey - you can never go wrong with a meat party!! We missed you though :(
Hey Gramma - Jayne really enjoyed talking to you on Sunday and was wondering if she could get your recipe for the icing on the cake - she and her husband both LOVED it!!
What do you mean that it was a bad game?

Usually games that end with the score of 6-3 are very exiting.

Also, a game where one team has 13 penalties usally has great flow.
So are there any players on the roster that you would not want to get rid of?

Coaches? General Managers? personel people?

I'm thinking that they should also fire all of the ticket takers and beer venders as well.

Just go in and fire everyone and start brand new.
why would not get rid of Roscoe Parrish?

He has three fumbles in the last two games. They obviously tried to get rid of him in the off season and no one else wants him, so that should say something.

Just cut him right now. At least that way he can't lose anymore games for you.
and then you can get Stevie Johnson into the games.
I'm certian that Stevie can make a difference
I saw that on the news about that dude running people over.

I'm sorry that you had to see that and am glad that you were not one of the casulties.
It seems to be getting more dangerous around that stadium.

and then that guy was all like... hey judge, my girlfriend just left me and I have a new job starting today, so if you would just waive my bail, I'll be all set.

but no matter what, GO BILLS!!!
Didn't the Bills use to have one of the best special teams? I couldn't beleive the mistakes. Catch the ball on the 45 yd line on the punt return and end up on the 25? Fumble the punt return? Let the ball roll to the 1 inch line time after time? What happened to Bobby April?
i dont blame him. i blame the players for trying to think on their feet like that. just play it safe.
It would be like any other organization that is disfunctional - eventually, it catches up to everyone.
That whole place is messed up - from the owner on down.

I'm sure that Trent Edwards or even JP losman could have suceeded here, but with everything around them falling to pieces, what chance did they have? For Trnt to go from a decent QB three years ago to what he is today?

Same for the special teams and Bobby April. The rot is getting to him just the same.
If you follow the conventional wisdom of having to build the line first, they did that. They spent top dollar on offensive linemen three years ago in free agency and all of them are now gone, replaced by rookies?

Do they even have a clue?
I'm very sleepy
I could really go for a box of little debbie treats and then a nap
I would like a mixed box of little debbies - one star crunch, one fudge brownie (or actually, two of those), one nutty bar, one of those cake things with the crisco filling and a swiss cake roll.

Then, the nap
What about my delicious oatmeal cookies and zebra cakes??
i was just thinking i could use a ho ho or a dozen.
going to jam tonight. there are always the fudge brownies ther.
I mentioned the cake things with the crisco filling - Sometimes they are Zebra Cakes and sometimes they are more festive, like a christmas tree or a halloween pumpkin
What kind of brownies do you have at the jam???

The NFL power rankings on SI.com (Don Banks) has the Bills ranked 31. Only the Raiders are lower.

I guess that's what losing 6-3 to the Browns gets you.
Hey Kids, Pass this around. The 10:30AM Mass at Holy Spirit on Sunday is for Dad (and Vito Mecca who died on Dad's birthday). I won't be there, so it would be good if you could go.
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