Thursday, October 15, 2009


I think of you as my little mental handicapp radio.

Thanks for being so handi.

is it Friday yet???
I'm pretty sure someone is trying to pull a fast one on me.
It is finally Friday - but this Friday came with 3 inches of snow!!
Happy Friday!!!!
I was hoping for a snow day :-(
I'm pretty sure one of my co-workers uses my office to fart.
I'm disturbed by your coworkers
Go Bills!!
someone in class last night near me was pretty bad with the gas.
rough cut
tick tock tick tock
Right. I'm sure that it was someone "near" you
So are you in a study group?

Are there crazy antics that ensue due to the forced socialization of people?
no study group, per se, but we do talk a lot durring class.
i also got bonus points the other day for singing the quadratic formula and doing it in operatic style
to the tune of pop goes the weasle.
sweet! nothing like bonus points
yeah, i needed them too. i took a quiz, she looked at it and was like, um, how did you get this?
so i was like, well, is it right? No, she said, that is why i want to know how you did this.
so i was like, i would do a dance for some extra points
and you were all like.... that's what she had on her paper.
Mom's home.
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