Monday, November 23, 2009


Lay off the cough syrup.

Crayons should not be talking to you.

Markers sure. But not the crayons.
really? are you certian about that?
because if you are certian, I may have a bit of a problem.
because if you are, I may have a bit of a problem
Olivia talkes to the blue crayon....not sure if it talks back.....
how cute!
Happy Tuesday!!!!
Have a great Thanksgiving holiday folks!
We shall be heaing East my friends, heading East.
And slightly North.
Only slightly.
We may have to go South a bit.
But NEVER West.
(Until we come home...then West.)
Hope it's a good time!!
travel safely!!!
hope to see the rest of you at Unkle Jims.
cause that is where aunts who love me give me pie.
cant miss that.
Are any of you going to the unkle's house on Wed??
I shouldn't have put my name on that one - because of the deliberate misspelling!!
I believe that we are planning on going.
Happy Turkey Day to all my family!! Love you.
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