Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Hey War Pig!!!

How about giving me one of those Roman Candles.

just for fun!
come on fella
Don't be a Lemmy Kilmister
Ah, the bright spring of yesteryear.
Stupid poets.
I don't even know what that means.
I miss ditto masters.
And the smell of fresh ink
meemo knows no boundries.
Half pig squirrel, half mom.
a complex marriage of complexity
I'm left speechless?????
I'm thinking the SBs have been abducted by aliens and are just speaking in jibberish
Actually, it's due to the fact that I have to work a full week.
The HORROR!!!!
That'll do War Pig.
And just like that, we're back in bidness.
So don't go gettin' up in mine.
It's like food turrets
Two r's one t
Is that the first full week this year?
Oh, to be back in Catholic school.

What's that, a saint was born on this day - enjoy the day off

What's that, you went on a walk-a-thon - enjoy the day off

Principal's birthday - enjoy the day off
Hey Brenz - if your out there - any thoughts on Umphrey's Megee?

Someone thaough that I should give them a listen and I'm not thinking I'm too impressed. Perhaps they have something other than cover songs???
Not that there is anyhting wrong with cover songs - Flamming Lips singing War Pigs comes to mind
I don't think it's appropriate to call me Flaming Lips.
Although it may be my new moniker.
Now that I think of it, moniker may have to be my new moniker.
It sounds British
Stupid limeys
Especially since that law that you can't eat mince pies on Christmas day!
Screw that!
I'll eat mince pie whenever the hell I want!
or more accurately, I will not eat mince pie whenever I want. Not just on Christmas.
stupid mince pie. Its not real pie
leave it to the Brits to make a pie that tastes like a$$
Mince pie is "meat"!
Isn't a "moniker" what the Brits hold up to their eyes to see out of?
Ha Ha!
a girl i work with loves umphrees, but i am not impressed either. not my style
but, as far as covers go, mindless self indulgence doing tom sawyer. get into it!
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