Monday, March 01, 2010


Goonies versus Snakes on a Plane

No, really. Before you answer, just think about it.

Circles are so cool!
Snakes on a plane eating goonies?
Are you asking which movie that we would like to watch or which movie would be better for showing to a criminal that you wanted to break?
On secong thought, that may not make a difference.
Actually, I can not make a valued judgement on either as I have seen neither
But I do think that I would rather have snakes on a plane then Gremlins on a plane.
What if you had to watch Goonies on an inflight movie that had snakes loose?
Less than two weeks until Daylight Savings Time (March 14)
I like the watching Goonies with actual snakes on the plane option.
That really kicks it up a notch. it like Friday yet?
R u shur? cause this week is like toast
or i may just be fried like an egg and I hate eggs they are so disgusting and runny or they also could be so hard with those chalk like yellow stuff but I wouldn't mind the runny yellow stuff with some spam but that really tells you something about the fact that you would only eat that grossness with some more grossness like lets fry up some wiggly fat ooze dripping fake meat and slop it together with some other oozing gross crap and then it will cancel out the grossness and then you can eat it and feel totally gross and wonder what the heck you were thinking and wash it all down with some chocolate cake
I like chocolate cake
i like cake too
i would eat some cakes on a plane.
an abstract plane.
I'll take a piece of chocolate cake too
or yellow cake
A Gröbner basis for a system of polynomials is an equivalence system that possesses useful properties, for example, that another polynomial is a combination of those in iff the remainder of with respect to is 0. (Here, the division algorithm requires an order of a certain type on the monomials.) Furthermore, the set of polynomials in a Gröbner basis have the same collection of roots as the original polynomials. For linear functions in any number of variables, a Gröbner basis is equivalent to Gaussian elimination.

The algorithm for computing Gröbner bases is known as Buchberger's algorithm. Calculating a Gröbner basis is typically a very time-consuming process for large polynomial systems
Hey, quit using my algorithm!
OK, so I don't really have a problem with science, but a new report just came out that says that they now think that dinosaurs are at least 10 million years older than previously thought.

now this isn't just a little miss, this is 10 million years off?

I'm thinking that being off 10 million years is significant.
If that were accounting and you were off by 10 million dollars, you would be thrown in jail.

I'm just saying.....
maybe they were government scientists. It would seem that being off by 10 million units in the government is OK
Everybody listen up! We have to put a barrier between us and the snakes!
words of wisdom there
Any words of wisdom from Goonies?
what's all that stuff in the attic?
Listen, okay? You guys'll never believe me. There was two cop cars, okay? And they were chasing this four-wheel deal, this real neat ORV, and there were bullets flying all over the place. It was the most amazing thing I ever saw!
ah, friday!!
bout time!!
haircut and the new alice in wonderland in 3d imax. too bad i cant see 3d.
Happy Friday!!!
Happy Friday to all
snakes on a plane eating goonies to me sounds good.

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