Friday, January 11, 2013


no freakin' way!!!!

# posted by The Super Beetles @ 6:13 PM
Hard to believe!
Let's get this party started!
21 days til Christmas can be a song at 6:30 am
Happy Birthday my brother! Just getting better with age.
Cept all the aches and pains.
Those are not better
I've been in my house for an hour and still have my coat on.
Couldn't find Livy's 2nd boot today....still full of st nick candy
I prefer a food coma over this current food hangover....
Basketball Jones
Forestville.....gowanda.......north Collins.......doh!!!!! Where's my snow day??? Stupid pajamas
Gingerbread house a much better idea when made by gramma.....
Woooo hoooooo!!! Doin' the no school dance!
Boy that was a good cake ! Happy birthday Jason!
The mall security dude just told me every time he sees me in the morning I make his day, kind of amazing what a smile and a wave can accomplish. And ps, he kind of just made MY day
Seriously?? Freezer 2.76 miler? There's no ring to that !
Stupid reality
So Olivia was trying to get Pete out of bed this morning. He said he was trying, but he was sooooo tired. Livy told him, "Seize the day!"
First day of Christmas Vacation!
Livys favorite part of the grinch was when he stuck his tounge out and raspberries people.
Please don't say when he farts. Please don't say when he farts....
Did I mention that was a good cake?
I'm still working on the same box of tinsel I bought in 1995
From ames
But I'm using tinsel !!!
Christmas! Christmas! CHRISTMAS!,,,,

For the record, it's the day before the night before Christmas!
And its snowing !!!!

So I think I ate so many sweets I've already got a giant pimple on my chin.
That fast.
Merry Christmas Eve! And thank you for a great party!!!
Such a great Christmas!
Ended the night with Livy talking about our day.....makes for a happy mom
And probably one more cookie
Why oh why oh why can't I be a homemaker???
I LOVE staying home!
Snowman day!
And princess day.....
And Leggos.....
Lots and lots and lots of teeny tiny Leggos...
Noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! I don't want to go to work tomorrow!!!!!?!?
That really wasn't a question.....
Counting down....
Peace on earth good will toward men
Oh wait, wrong holiday
I resolve to
Ack!!!! This week has TWO Mondays.
Not a fan
But I like a Wednesday off, though.
I'm so confused
Tight pants day
Not on purpose
Not on purpose
On a brighter note, my glycogen stores are at an all time high
Probably shouldn't have made Christmas cookies
I love love love that my little one has a snow day!!!!!
Have fun with your Millsons!
Super impressed with Millsons boys
Not sure why I thought I could lift my own body weight when I can barely carry my 55 pounder up the stairs
Stop growing!
It's so fun to tweet with @forensicfocus not following
Still waiting for u sb
Evil snowman rocks!!!!
Totally want to post it everywhere !
Too bad I only have three followers, hahaha
Superintendent sandy anzalone is kinda my new best friend
Soooo sick on a snow day, doh!!!
Soooo sick on a snow day, doh!!!
So upset
I won't even open the door to chech the mail
See you in the spring
There's a reason I didn't want to know how the snowblower worked
Happy Birthday JB! Hope 2014 is smooth sailing!
I also hope you find time for a party so I can get some baby Brendan birthday cake
Although u should consider a baby Jason birthday cake......
Couch bound
Phone less today from 8:30 to 12. Just found out I'm s junkie
Tree and decorations came down today , so sad. Pete thought six weeks was plenty....
I left an ornament out that I was gonna throw out, plastic thing. Liv saw it and I told her I was getting rid of it. She was upstairs and came down with it wrapped in tissue paper and scolded me , "we don't throw out things that aren't broken!" Busted!
Snuggled in fresh sheets in the big bed watching frozen
Perfect Saturday night
Just checked our Florida forecast, gonna need pants
Waiting, waiting, waiting,.
Sandy, please please please call!
Sooooo want to go back!
Can't I go back??
Just sayin
Saw a funny post today
Obiesity doesn't run in your family, it's that no one in your family runs....
Break that chain!
Fingers crossed!
Beautiful sunny day !
Cept it's 12 degrees
Feel like we should be outside but having trouble making that leap
Haven't quite talked Liv into it
Carbs out if control !
Was considering an intervention......but would probably order a pizza
Please make her stop
Sunday Funday !
Or Sunday bumday....looks like a game time decision
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