Monday, February 24, 2014


Cotton buds

Who freakin' knew

I didn't.
By the's never a good idea to search for weird on the internet. People have so ruined that for me.
I am seriously stoked that I have 7 followers! Sorry I haven't been around. Stupid man holding me down.
Molly Pumpkin, I am seriously impressed! Thank you for picking up the slack for me for a whole freakin' year!
I was raging today for no apparent reason.
I'm kind of a hot head.
I was ready to punch someone in the face!
34:07 is actually 1 minute less than what I ran last summer!
Go figure!
And I have no problem posting that cause I didn't come in last!
Made cake and I didn't eat it. DAMN!
Nine years!?!?!?! This is so cRzAy!!!!
It's only a winner if I say so.
Nine year old cake?
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