Thursday, February 12, 2015


My brain

not so good

The best part of this picture is that I have actually drawn this kind of bunny before
1 day!!!!!
And my brain is about to explode
Unless it already has and I just didn't realize it
which is a serious possibility
Bunny ate it
What's the weather for Spain?
So exciting!
Brain bunnies are bad news.
50's for France, 60's for Spain
I'm pretty sure if my brain exploded right now, little weird bunnies would come out of it.
True story
Little circle bunnies
It's as cold as ice
Song is totally stuck in my head! Doh!
Freezer day!!
Hope that's good news
Train wifi - good. More and more people getting on the train and using wifi - ack!
Welcome home!!!!
It's too cold. Why aren't they thinking of the children?
Happy Tuesday!! Looking forward to a comfy night home.
No wind! No wind! No wind!!!!!! Please??????
I feel a fuzzy bunny in my brain today
Very fuzzy
I am appalled at the lack of children thought
Maybe I am a robot!! Why the discrimination???
Why is spell corrector a red line???? why so angry??? it's not your business how I want to spell things so take a chill pill!!! Why not fluffy bunnies because I'm being a creative speller???
Friday cannot come fast enough
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