Tuesday, April 17, 2007


What an ignorant clown!

He should probably go to clown school.

Tell me about vacation glaze!
I so got snookered!
He is cute and little though.
Snookered I say! Snookered!
the glaze is sweet and tasty

i believe you are supposed to put it on snookers
mmm! delicious snookers, all sweet and sticky!
i think mom puts vaction glaze on the kuca
Maybe if I continuously eat kuka...
McPherson, Kansas law forbids small boys to play marbles, "lest they acquire a taste for gambling."

Ashland, Wisconsin forbids little boys to play marbles -- if they play for keeps
Under Alabama law, the wearer of a false moustache in church who causes unseemly laughter is liable to arrest.
In washington dc, you cannot fish on the back of a girraffe
in montreal, you cannot whistle on sunday on a subway
the thing that cracks me up about that stuff is that it means someone has done it.
Can I put ketchup on the dog? I was under the impression that no animals were allowed on the Millson homestead unless they could be eaten.
Someone gave me a my little pony to keep my bobblehead dwight company. he trapped and killed it and ate it/.

then told me about bear attacks.
I quite agree with the mustache one. A mustache in church is quite a hilarity.
Once the laughter ensues...nothing will stop it.
I had always threatened to eat any dog that came into my house. I blame the kuka.
This dog is really too little to eat. We would have to fatten him up first.
Dwight knows very little about bears.
I will just have the dog for an appetizer! Yum! Then I will start on the chickens!!
The chickens aren't that tasty. They are too tough. Now the rabbits...they might be good...
watch it
well, maybe with a nice vaction glaze and a white wine sause
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