Friday, January 16, 2015


Happy Ski Club Friday!

maybe not so happy

not sure if I'm actually going skiing as I do not want to break my leg before my trip
yay Friday!
just not the getting home at 1 in the morning
sort of happy Friday
jeans today, high black boots, black turtleneck sweater, colorful scarf and a cup of tea
6 days til Rome, 28 til France/Spain!
Slightly freaking out
So exciting.....holy Rome! Lol
Glad no reports of broken bones
Am looking for today's fashion report
One word......muffintop
Am womdering what the best look for a muffintop is
Maybe I can google it
Egads! This workday is interfering with my mojo
I'm starting to wonder if there is a day off....
HUMP DAY! Not a suggestion
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